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The Reason Your Period Started Early

The Reason Your Period Started Early

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The Reason Your Period Started Early

Quick, Fast and Easy Answers. For more information on menstruation and your cycle click here!

The Rules are There are No Rules

The general menstrual cycle is known to be 28 days. But only 10-15% of people who menstruate get their period every 28 days exactly. Most people have their own menstrual cycle, and 20% regularly have an “irregular cycle”. 

Having your period earlier or later is extremely common. This is because the hormones that control our menstrual cycle are sensitive to our body’s conditions and external factors.

But don't accept the early start of your period as a natural condition. By recognizing the signals sent by your body you can determine when you need to take a break, or seek professional advice.

Let’s find the appropriate measures by learning about the various factors that may cause your period to start earlier.

01. Changes in daily life
Changes in meal plan or exercise routine

Dietary intake or exercises different from your usual routine can affect the hormones and change your menstrual cycle. If you have started a new meal plan or exercise routine, this may be the reason.

Strenuous exercise

Strenuous exercise can lead to irregular periods or cessation of your period completely. Burning more calories than what you consume could also affect your menstrual cycle. If you don't have enough energy, the body cannot produce reproductive hormones for normal ovulation. Female athletes who undergo high-intensity training for a few hours every day often experience an irregular menstrual cycle.

Weight fluctuations

Early, irregular, and missed periods are often associated with weight changes. Drastic weight gain or loss can alter hormone levels, leading to irregular periods. Extreme diets, stomach surgery, or eating disorders can change the menstrual cycle. When the body is in starvation mode, it reserves energy for essential life functions like breathing and stops producing reproductive hormones.


Stress is one of the common causes of early menstruation along with many chemical changes in the body. Your period could also be late. The hormones may not work properly if you have recently experienced anxiety or a traumatic event.

Change in normal routine

If there are significant changes (travel, vacation, etc.) in your normal routine, your body may change the way it controls your hormones. If your sleep patterns have significantly changed, it can affect your hormones and cause your period to come early. These changes will return to normal once your schedule becomes stable.

02. Life cycle

Menopause is a farewell to menstruation. People experience various changes before and after menopause. Hormones, especially estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), can change considerably. For some people, their periods can start early due to an increase in FSH level. Common and natural menopause is not a health issue that requires medical treatment. However, appropriate treatment is needed if you experience early menopause or any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe bleeding that soaks the menstrual pad/tampon within two hours
  • New or rapidly worsening symptoms, disrupting daily life
  • Pain or bleeding during or after intercourse


Women typically get their first period between the ages of 12 and 15. Hormones are imbalanced for the first few years (up to 6 years) after starting your period, and the menstrual cycle may be irregular. Puberty is a natural phase, and it generally does not need medical intervention. However, starting your first period too early or too late may give rise to the need for hormone therapy. As those who have experienced these changes and confusion, let’s be there for our sisters and daughters so that they can get through this phase together.

03. Using Contraceptives
Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives directly affect ovulation and menstruation. If you are taking birth control pills, the next cycle depends on when you started taking the pills and whether or not you have taken a placebo for a week. Intrauterine devices (IUDs, also known as loop contraceptives) can lead to irregular periods for the first two to three months. There could also be breakthrough bleeding as a side effect.

Emergency contraception

Emergency contraception (postcoital contraception) contains hormones that prevent normal ovulation. Thus, taking them can change your next menstrual cycle.

04. Pregnancy and Miscarriage
Implantation bleeding

There could be light bleeding or spotting when a fertilized egg attaches to the interior lining of the uterus. It can generally occur one to two weeks after unprotected sex or a few days earlier. Implantation bleeding has a darker color than your period as the blood remains in the body for a longer period of time. 15 to 25% experience implantation bleeding in pregnancy.

The signs of implantation are as follows:

  • Light bleeding
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Painful or tender breasts
  • Headache  
  • Changes in body temperature

Implantation bleeding is a normal sign of pregnancy and is not a dangerous symptom requiring medical attention. But see a doctor if there is heavy bleeding or severe menstrual pain as well as abdominal and hip pain.

Miscarriage bleeding

Some women experience miscarriage before realizing that they are pregnant. The body discharges placenta tissues through the vagina when a miscarriage occurs, and medications or surgery may be required if the individual cannot discharge all tissues or substances naturally. Be sure to see a doctor if there are signs of miscarriage. There is a high risk of infection if there is pregnancy tissue remaining in the uterus.

The signs of miscarriage are as follows:

  • Continuous vaginal bleeding
  • Severe cramps or different muscle pain than usual  
  • Vaginal discharge with odor
  • Clotted vaginal discharge


Most women can experience irregular periods without having a serious health condition. But our everyday life gets easier if we can predict our period. Let’s start with small habits that can help us determine our regular cycle.

☑️ Start a calendar to track your menstrual cycle

☑️ Have regular and sufficient sleep patterns

  • If you work nights make sure to sleep in a dark, quiet environment during the day. This can help the biological clock work properly.

☑️ Eat healthy and balanced meals

☑️ Regularly exercise at an appropriate intensity for your body

☑️ Maintain a healthy weight for you

☑️ Find and choose menstrual products that are right for you

☑️ Regularly visit your obstetrician/gynecologist

How to make use of your natural hormones → Goal Accomplished! Hormone Skill Up When your vaginal discharge is different than usual → Vagina discharge color guide Track not just your period, but also your emotions → Journaling : Self-Reflection

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    몸관리 건강관리 잘해보자

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    관계를 하니까 자극되서 그런가 빨리 시작하기도 하던데ㅠ

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    이번에 계속 꾸준히 하다가 9일이나 빨리 시작해버려서 왜 이러지? 하고 걱정되는 마음에 검색했는데 자기만의 방에 다 미리 나와있어서 너무 맘이 편해진다.. 요즘 아침에 산책을 가서 그른가?ㅎㅎ 안하던 운동을 해서 그런갑네!ㅎㅎ

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