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AROOO Review - Disposable Menstrual Pad Brands

AROOO Review - Disposable Menstrual Pad Brands

Component Table / Size and Price / Risk Assessment

AROOO Review - Disposable Menstrual Pad Brands

To be continued In this series, we review various menstrual products one by one. Available when you need it — Menstrual info kit

Searching for information is a hassle but you don't want to buy just any product

We covered the pros and cons of five menstrual products (disposable menstrual pads, cotton menstrual pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and absorbent menstrual underwear) in My Exploration of Menstrual Products.

Now, let’s take a look at the most well-known products in each of these categories. While these specific brands may not be available in other countries, the method for analyzing the products should be the same regardless.

For all of us who want to make smart purchasing decisions, but at the same time just can’t be bothered with the research. Check out this handy report to compare your options!

Today’s Item for Review ✨ ✨Disposable Menstrual Pads

Characteristics of Disposable Menstrual Pads : The more you learn, the more difficult it is

There are many disposable menstrual pads in the world. It’s difficult to know the differences at a glance. It gets even more difficult when looking at the materials closely. In some countries menstrual pads are considered quasi-pharmaceutical, and are required to list the full ingredients, but it has not been clarified whether some of these could be harmful.

There are liars in the world “Natracare” was advertised to be made with only organic and natural ingredients, which caused sales to shoot up following the shock of carcinogens in menstrual pads, but customers were further shocked when they were revealed to use adhesives made of chemical compounds. Consumers are unsure whether to trust the ingredients listed on menstrual products.

But we can't just use any product since there are too many testimonies that certain products can actually negatively affect your body. The world of disposable menstrual pads does not have defined standards, but here are some standards picked out to help you in choosing your products.

If you don’t have the time Scroll down to look at the [Comparative Analysis of Products from Major Brands] table at the bottom for a guide to Korean menstrual pads.

⚡ Disposable Menstrual Pad Comparison Points ⚡
1. Product Component Information
2. Size and Price
3. Risk Assessment Results

01. Product Component Information

All components and raw ingredients of disposable menstrual pads in South Korea require labelling pursuant to the partial amendment of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act in October 2018.

There are three major components of a menstrual pad.

  • A top sheet that comes in direct contact with skin
  • Absorbent material that absorbs the menstrual blood
  • A waterproof layer that prevents the absorbed menstrual blood from leaking

There is also adhesive to attach the menstrual pad to the underwear as well as perfume or moisturizing ingredient depending on the product. Here are the common ingredients you may see for each component.

❤️ Top sheet

This is the outer layer of the menstrual pad that comes in contact with the skin. It absorbs the menstrual blood that flows to the absorbent material. The top sheet of the disposable menstrual pads is mostly made of “non-woven fabric.” A description such as “cotton non-woven fabric” or “pure cotton non-woven fabric” is used when the non-woven fabric is made from cotton. If only “non-woven fabric” or “felt (composite fiber)” is included in the ingredients list, it is made of synthetic fiber composed of polyethylene and polypropylene. Synthetic fibers are safe fibers commonly used in clothing but are not “pure cotton.”

The differences between “pure cotton” and “pure cotton feel” If there is “felt (composite fiber)” in the ingredients list of a menstrual pad advertised to have a “pure cotton feel,” soft synthetic fibers with cotton-like texture were used. “Polyethylene film (for top sheet)” is commonly seen in the ingredients list if the pad has small holes with a smooth texture like plastic instead of paper.

❤️ Absorbent material

This component absorbs the menstrual blood that passes through the top sheet. The absorbent material is mostly fibrous absorbent materials (cotton pulp, absorbent paper, felt, etc.) or SAP (superabsorbent polymer).

*Fibrous materials The cotton pulp that is commonly used in fibers is made of chemical pulp (synthetic fiber or fiber extracted from trees), and the absorbent paper is made from the same pulp. It’s difficult to know whether the pulp is wood pulp or synthetic fiber pulp unless noted by the manufacturer. Unlike the top sheet, felt for the absorbent material is made by combining wood pulp and synthetic fibers or SAP. Some also use cotton fiber, described as a pure cotton absorbent sheet.

* SAP SAP is a polymer grain and a type of microplastic with excellent absorption. SAP is considered to be safe and is used for diapers, but some people experience menstrual pain and vaginal dryness when using menstrual pads with SAP absorbent material. Recently, SAP’s became problematic as they were detected on meat, due to the pad containing SAP used to absorb blood. SAP is often noted in an ingredients list as a sodium acrylate polymer (cross-linked sodium polyacrylate).

Fiber vs SAP Menstrual pads made of fibrous absorbent material are the best option if you feel uneasy about using microplastics or you have experienced side effects from using menstrual pads that include SAP. Finding a menstrual pad with SAP is a good choice if you have not experienced side effects from using menstrual pads and you want pads with excellent absorption but are not too thick.

❤️ Adhesives and other ingredients

Hot-melt adhesives, styrene-isoprene-styrene (SIS), and hydrocarbon resins are common adhesive ingredients. Some products also add a moisturizer or perfume. Ingredients of the moisturizer are labelled the same way as cosmetics. However, perfumes could be labelled as a “fragrance,” and it is up to the company to decide whether to label any included allergens in the ingredients list. It’s best to avoid products with “fragrance” in the ingredients list if you have sensitive skin or you are concerned about allergic reactions.

02. Size and Price

The size of the menstrual pad is directly related to the amount of menstrual flow it can hold. Products with different sizes are the best since you need different sizes depending on the menstrual flow, activity level, and frequency of changing pads. For example, if the product does not have an overnight size, it would be difficult to use on nights with a heavy menstrual flow.

Price is also an important factor. Since disposable menstrual pads need to be purchased continuously, the differences in prices by products can become significant over time. If there are a few products you prefer due to ingredients or size, it could be helpful to calculate the price for each pad by dividing it by the quantity.

03. Risk Assessment Results

The “shock of carcinogens in menstrual pads” in 2017 was a reaction from the Korean Women’s Environmental Network, which detected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in all 10 disposable menstrual pads from major Korean brands in their investigation. The MFDS investigated 666 menstrual pads and pantyliners sold in Korea and from overseas and examined whether 10 VOCs that are highly harmful to the body, such as carcinogens and reproductive toxic substances, were detected. The investigation detected one or more substances out of 10 VOCs, but “the detected amount is at a low level that does not have a hazardous effect on the body.” It would be important to know whether harmful substances were detected when choosing a product since it is unknown if the MFDS result of not having a hazardous effect on the body is also the case when substances are continuously absorbed through the vaginal membrane.

VOC = Commonly known as carcinogens Refer to the <Carcinogens in Menstrual Pads> article for more information on the 10 highly hazardous VOCs!

However, this investigation was done in 2017, so there are products that were not included. Even if VOCs were detected in the product, the company may be managing harmful substances by renewals and thorough management of the product.

Checking if the manufacturer tests for harmful substances through a research institute could also help you in determining whether the product is reliable. The Dermatest guarantee seal that indicates low skin irritation and OCS certification for using organic materials can also be indicators of how careful the manufacturer is in making the product.

Comparative Analysis of Products from Major Brands

This is a table that compares products from major menstrual pad brands according to the standards above.

The top 10 brands based on the brand reputation ranking in December 2021 were compared, and the main product with the highest sales was chosen if a brand has multiple product lines, or a product with various sizes was chosen if uncertain about the main product of the brand.


Only the main ingredients were summarized to allow for a simple comparison. Thus, the table only includes whether the top sheet is synthetic fiber or cotton fiber, whether the absorbent material is pulp, synthetic fiber, or SAP, and if the pad is scented. Sizes are the available sizes for the product, and different sizes (e.g., overnight, pantyliner, etc.) may be provided in different products within the same brand. The unit price was calculated by dividing the price of one package on the official website by the number of menstrual pads.

The table also includes whether any harmful substances were detected in the product based on the investigation for carcinogens in menstrual pads by the Korean Women’s Environmental Network as well as the investigation by the MFDS for 10 highly hazardous VOCs. Any detected substances are specified. Any certification or whether the brand requested an external institution to test for harmful substances is also included.

Since there are various brands and products of disposable menstrual pads, this comparison table should be used as a reference to display what standards could be set in choosing menstrual pads instead of using it to pick a product.

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    저는 면생리대 헌옷으로 만들어쓰고 잇어요. 한나 오버나에트도 병행해서 쓰는데 진짜 생리통 완전 사라졋어요... 너무 신기해요 도대체 뭐가 들엇엇는지 ㅋ 위에 정리해주신 거 보니까 대충 납득이 가는 ㅋㅋ 생리통 너무 힘들엇네요 정말

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      직접 만들엇어요. 찾아보면 면생리대 만들기 매뉴얼 영상도 많아서ㅋㅋ 3일에 걸쳐 손바느질로 만들엇는데 직접 만들어서 더 애정이 가요 ㅋㅋ 오버나이트는 두꺼워서 바느질이 어려워서 한나 면생리대 구매햇구요. 병행해서 쓰니까 좋더라구요. 생리통 없어진게 너무 ㅜㅜ 신기해요

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    생리대에 대한 정보 좋아요!

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    저는 라엘 제품으로 모두 씁니다. 저는 탐폰을 주로 쓰는데 탐폰을 쓴다해도 월경대를 안쓸 수 없더라구요ㅎㅎ 특히 잠잘때 처럼 오래쓸때는... 👍 급하게 필요할때는 편의점에서 아무거나 사 쓰는데 그때는 생리통이 심한게 느껴져요🥲 제품차이가 생리통으로 느껴지는게...🫨

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    유익한 정보에요!

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    ‘라베르플랑’ 올영에서 첨사보고 넘 좋아서 인터넷으로 대량주문!

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    저는 예민해서 생리대 쓸데는 항상 셀까봐 생리통 너무 심했는데 탐폰 바꾸고 나서 부터 냄새도 안나고 안 불안해져서 생리통도 없어졌어요!

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    나는...팬티형 생리대 만든사람 진짜 너무 감사함...

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      인정ㅠㅠ 너무 편해

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    푸른 웜뱃

    생리통이 제품에 의해 영향을 줄수도 있군요!! 유용해요!!

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    디어스킨 추천

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    저는 SOFY 제품 사용 중입니다! 오버나이트가 제일 좋고 대형도 많이 써요. 좋은느낌은 쓰자마자 질에 뾰루지 나고 너무 아파서 바로 버렸어요😡

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    새파란 반딧불이

    더 많은 브랜드 제품에 대한 내용도 보고 싶어요!

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    라엘이랑 해피문데이 써요.. 일단 두개가 피부 가려움이 없고 밑 빠지는 느낌이 안나요

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    숨어있는 자기 12

    인생템은 못 찾았지만 정착템은 있달까.. 가성비 있는 10번ㅎㅎ 알러지 반응 등등이 없어서ㅎㅎ

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    숨어있는 자기 14

    생리컵+면라이너+생리팬티 조합이면 끄떡없음 (⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ᵕ ก̀⸝⸝⸝)

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    숨어있는 자기 15

    전 29days 써요. 가격도 저렴한데 전 이거 쓰면서 생리통이 많이 없어졌어요.

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