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What are Menstrual Clots?

What are Menstrual Clots?

Ergh… urgh… You know what I mean, right?

What are Menstrual Clots?


It’s really common for women to experience sudden clumps of something spilling out while menstruating. If you say you feel like your ‘laying eggs’ we all know exactly what you mean. So what actually are these ‘blood eggs’, and how can they be related to our health?

Laying Blood Eggs

Blood Eggs = Menstrual Blood Clots

During menstruation, the inner lining of the uterus is shed and bleeding occurs. At this time, in order to prevent too much blood loss, our body hardens it creating the clots. This mass is a combination of blood, by-products, mucus, and tissue. In other words, the blood eggs we have experienced are part coagulated menstrual blood and part endometrium tissue.

Why we get Menstrual Clots

In most cases, clots during menstruation can be seen as a natural body activity. According to a study conducted in Brazil, 54% of menstruating women have experienced it.

More clots may occur if you have a heavier flow, or if your menstrual cycle is prolonged. This is because the body works harder as the menstrual blood stays in the uterus for a longer time. It’s pretty commendable to think that your body is trying so hard to stop from bleeding more. Make sure to get enough rest to show your appreciation.

Sometimes, however, menstrual clots can be related to a health issue. If certain abnormal signs appear together, take a moment to assess your health.

Issues that could be related to Menstrual Clots - Uterine Fibroids - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Adeomyosis - A bleeding disorder (e.g. hemophilia) - A thyroid disorder

This is When to See a Doctor

As mentioned earlier, blood clot discharge during menstruation is a natural phenomenon, and in most cases you don’t have to worry. However, it can sometimes be a sign of a specific disorder. If you see these signs when you have clots, make time to see your gynacologist.

☑️ When you consistently experience clots larger than 2.5cm (grape size) ☑️ When you have to change your pad or tampon every hour ☑️ When symptoms of anemia such as severe fatigue, weakness, dizziness or headache appear ☑️ When you get bruises easily, have a heavy flow, and don't stop bleeding easily ☑️ When painkillers do not relieve severe pain

Is the color of the blood clot weird?? Like menstrual blood, the color of menstrual clots can vary. Bright red means that the blood has just come out of the body, and dark colors mean that it has been oxidized in the body over time while coming out through the vagina. You may see some white, which is part of the endoplasmic reticulum. It's nothing special, so you don't have to worry too much. It is difficult to determine health issues based on the color of the blood clots alone, so it’s recommended to also note the amount of blood and overall body condition when seeking a diagnosis.

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Expert Advice
Blood clots are supposed to happen to some degree… You have to look at the pattern of how frequently it’s happening and how long it’s actually lasting. (Dr. Salena Zanotti, OB/GYN)
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