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Hymen (the Virginal Membrane)

Hymen (the Virginal Membrane)

Let's put an end to this myth once and for all.

Hymen (the Virginal Membrane)


There are still many people in the world holding a false belief in the bodily tissue known as “the hymen”. This is the belief that a woman's virginity can be determined by whether the membrane covering her genitals is torn or not. Despite the fact that popular beliefs about the so called “virginal membrane” were proven anatomically false 100 years ago, this misunderstanding is still widely spread and adversely affecting the lives of women. If you are a well-informed person who benefits from modern medicine, you should make efforts to end this old misunderstanding within our generation.

The ‘Fraud’ of the Hymen

✔️ Virginal Membrane or Hymen

The mucosal tissue forms thin wrinkles which can be seen 1-2 cm inside from the vaginal opening. Rather than being a thin membrane, it has a more similar appearance to a rubber band or a hair tie. Society has long considered this part of the body as a marker of purity and innocence but the hymen has zero association with virginity (no relation to experiencing intercourse) and contradicts the general perception of a blocked membrane.

It was incorrectly labeled and named, which further encouraged the misconception of this body part. In recent years, the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education has suggested a new name, the vaginal corona. In Korean society it is commonly known as the “virginal membrane”, but for this article we will mostly be using the word “hymen”.

✔️ An Old Lie

Many cultures have used the hymen as an indicator of virginity for centuries.

The following are the three most common misconceptions about the hymen.

  • The hymen completely seals the vagina. Thus, if you are a virgin with no experience in sex, you cannot use insertable menstrual products such as tampons or menstrual cups.

  • There is always bleeding when the hymen tears. When there is no bleeding during vaginal penetration it means it is not your first time.

  • The hymen is gone completely once it is torn. You can know if someone is a virgin by checking their hymen.

✔️ The Truths

The truths about the hymen uncovered by scientists indicate that the widespread social conventions are all incorrect.

According to anatomical research, the incorrect information must be corrected as follows.

  • The hymen is not completely sealed

Many people may think of the hymen as a plastic wrap seal with a “cannot return after opening” sticker on it, but in reality, the hymen does not completely seal the vagina. Most are in the form of a donut with a hole in the middle or similar to a scrunchie. Just as the eyes and noses of people are distinctive, the shape of the hymen is also different. Some have a large opening and some have numerous small openings.

If the hymen completely seals the vagina, it can cause health problems as the individual is unable to release menstrual blood. Some people do not have an opening in the hymen and this is known as an “imperforate hymen” which requires surgery.

  • There can be no bleeding when the hymen is ruptured

Figuring out the exact shape of the hymen can help to understand this proposition. This body part has an opening like a scrunchie and one may be able to insert tampons, menstrual cups, and a penis into the vagina with no damage (or only minor damage). It is flexible and elastic and there often can be no bleeding when inserting an object larger than the hymen opening itself.

In conclusion, penetrative intercourse does not always tear the virginal membrane and there can be no blood even when it is torn or stretched. Thus, bleeding or not bleeding are both normal when having sex for the first time.

Bleeding > No Bleeding

Less than half of all women experience bleeding during their first penetrative sexual experience.

  • The hymen can recover its original shape after being torn

The hymen does not vanish. Experts say that mild tears of the mucosal tissue of the hymen can normally recover within 24 hours. This is why many women have a hymen even after intercourse experience. Also, when damaged it can change its appearance but it does not completely tear and become discharged from the body, nor will it disappear permanently.

Believe in the miracle of a virgin pregnancy or accepting the recovery of the hymen.

In 1906, the Norwegian doctor Marie Jeancet examined the hymen of a middle-aged sex worker and discovered it was the same as one of a teenager. Research in 2004 looked at 36 pregnant teenagers and determined that all subjects, except for two, still had their hymens.

✔️ Societal Damage

  • Humiliation

Due to these misconceptions this insignificant body part is adversely affecting many women’s lives around the world. Many girls are afraid of damaging their hymen from exercising, riding a bike, using a tampon, or through intercourse. Lies about virginity have taken away opportunities and freedom from women.

  • Honor Killings

Women in some cultures receive death threats if there are suspicions of having had intercourse before their marriage. The bleeding of the hymen can become the perfect false evidence. Even today, there are cases of husbands complaining to the family of the wife after seeing no blood on the first night of their marriage, and family members murdering the woman for tarnishing the reputation of the family.

In 2000, the UN announced that 5,000 women around the world suffer from “honor killings” every year and this is a very conservative estimate. At the same time, women’s rights groups reported that 20,000 women are killed every year.

  • An Artificial Hymen

The erroneous belief about the hymen is placing fear and pressure on women. As a result, many products have appeared in our capitalist society targeting this fear. You can find products “returning virginity” on global online shopping sites and social media. Blood capsules that simulate bleeding, artificial hymen kits using cellulose film, gels that enhance the tightness of the vagina, and more. In the medical world, there are also surgical procedures performed that can “repair” the hymen.

✔️ Pure?

Many countries and societies associate “virginity” with “purity”.

In most situations, the indicator of purity is quite simple. It is whether you have had penetrative intercourse. On the other hand, the opposite of purity is contamination or corruption. In most societies this is specified religiously as the sin of lust. Such negative connotations leads to a big problem of invoking a sense of guilt in anyone that engages in intercourse.

It is now the 21st century and many find the need to redefine the term “purity”. Whether someone is a virgin, has had intercourse, or is pure should not be based on their physical state but rather on their personal experience and thoughts.

The only person who can define the purity of your body is you.


  • The hymen is not an indicator that determines the virginity of women.
  • It is time to break down the myths surrounding the hymen.

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    순결의 정의에서 강한 감동과 생각을 다시 해볼 기회가 생겼어요!! 감사합니다

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    질 주 름!!

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    질입구 그림예시가 있어서 좋당

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    아직도 모르는 여자들이 넘 많다!! ㅠ

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    처녀막이라는 단어는 역사 속 여성들을 업압했던 폭력적인 단어,,,무지했던 옜날을 반성합니다

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    처녀라는 단어 자체가 시대착오적이고 여성에게 차별적이고 억압적인 단어죠!! 지양합시다

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    오 아주 좋은 정보에요

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    정말 아직도 많이 알려줘야하는 진실

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    이걸 지금 알았다니..이 사실은 널리 알려야겠어요!

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    이건 진짜 많이 알려져야해!!! 질주름!!!!

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    모두가 알았으면 하는 상식

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    너무 유익해요!!

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    산부인과에서도 질경으로 보면서 처녀막 있네 없네 하던데... 의사들도 다시 배워야 할것같아요

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    너무 좋은 정보예요!

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    헐.. 다들 처녀막을 뚫네 마네 그런 표현을 써서 처녀막이란게 대체 뭔지도 모르고 그냥 순결같은 거라고 생각하고 있었는데 알고보니 진짜 충격이다... 여성 본인인 나도차도 내 질주름이 어떻게 생겼는지 모르는데 그걸 들여다본다고 내 질주름이 원래 어떻게 생겼는 지 다 안다는건가 싶네..

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    더 많은 분들이 알았으면 좋겠어요

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    제발 이건 학교에서도 애들에게 가르쳐야해요 미신을 가르칠 순 없잖아요

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    질주름! 기억하야지

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    와..이렇게 다양성이 있는데 처녀니뭐니 순결이니뭐니 처녀막이 어쨋니 저쨋니 혈은이 나왔니 어쨋니 정말 너무들한 사회다

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    어렸을땐 진짜 막혀있는줄 알았는데 도넛모양처럼 생겼다니...! 이런 글 너무 좋은 것 같아요:)

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