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Why you Might Feel Pain after Masturbating

Why you Might Feel Pain after Masturbating

A question that comes up frequently in the Circle

Why you Might Feel Pain after Masturbating


Sometimes discomfort can come after masturbation. It’s a question we often see on the Circle. "Is it okay to get a stomach-ache after masturbating?" Let’s find the answer. Is masturbating inherently dangerous? Or is there a dangerous way to masturbate? Should I go to the hospital?

First off, don’t blame masturbating Masturbating is essentially healthy behavior. Experts say it relieves stress, provides quality relaxation, and helps you sleep well. It can also support a positive perception of the body, improving self-esteem, and feeling greater satisfaction in human relationships. Ultimately, it can help maintain a pleasant state not only when we masturbate, but also throughout our daily life.

My Stomach Hurts.. Is it Just Me? No!

Pain or convulsions in the abdomen after masturbation or sex are more common than we think. A lot of people have gone through and will go through something similar. In this case, most of the pain is temporary and can be understood as one of the body's natural reactions. However, if the pain persists and repeats, you should see a doctor and find the cause.

Most of the Time, it’s Because of Orgasms

When an orgasm begins, muscles in the uterus, vagina, pelvic floor, and similar areas contract rapidly. If contractions persist for a long time, convulsions or pain can occur. There is also the effect of hormones. Oxytocin is commonly known as a hormone that is produced when you are in a good mood, but it also stimulates uterine contractions during delivery. Oxytocin secreted after an orgasm may affect muscle contractions.

If you feel pain in your abdomen, pelvis, and back after masturbating or sex and it subsides within an hour, it may be due to the action of these muscles.

TIP : Strengthen your pelvic muscles If the pelvic floor muscles are excessively contracted, the pain may be great when masturbating. In particular, if you suffer from constipation, incontinence, and pelvic pain, your pelvic floor muscles are likely to be tense. Let's build up the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel Exercises.
  • Read About Kegel Exercises → Entrance → Practice → Advanced
Risky Masturbating? Masturbation itself is not a dangerous act. However, it can be dangerous if you use tools that are unsafe, if you stimulate roughly enough to hurt yourself, or if you put excessive pressure on your body. You can think about it similar as to when you exercise. We don't blame exercise itself for injuries, but mistakes made during.

Other Common Reasons

Menstruation or Ovulation

During menstruation, the uterus contracts the muscles to release blood, and if you experience an orgasm at this time, the muscles contract more than usual and the pain may increase. Ovulation can have a similar effect.

Uterine Structure

Generally, the uterus is tilted forward, but some people are born with a backward slant. When the uterus tilts backwards, fingers or sex toys more easily touch the cervix during penetrative masturbation, which can cause pain.

Irritable bowel syndrome or colitis.

If abdominal pain suddenly occurs after masturbation during periods of diarrhea, constipation, and digestive disorders, it may be a problem with the digestive system. This is due to the influence of the orgasm at a time when the colon muscles are sensitive.

Psychological Issues

It may be a case of feeling guilty or stressed because of the fact that you masturbated or felt an orgasm. The psychological burden stiffens the muscles, leading to muscle pain or convulsions. Even if you suffer from depression or insomnia not related to masturbating stress, your stomach can hurt afterwards.

Should You See a Doctor?

On rare occasions, pain after masturbating can be a symptom of a medical disorder. In this case, let's visit the hospital.

☑️ Pain is great and lasts more than 1 hour

☑️ Pain repeats every time

☑️ There’s a possibility your pregnant

☑️ Other physical/mental symptoms occur

☑️ Bleeding around the vulva

Possible Medical Issues
  • Endometriosis
  • An ovarian cyst
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Vaginal inflammation
  • A urinary tract infection
  • Sexually transmitted infections, etc.

Simple Solutions

Even if it doesn't seem to be enough to go to the hospital, let's not just endure the inconvenience. Jennifer Lincoln, a professor of women's medicine, recommends these methods.

👍 Find a comfortable position

Stretch your body and find a posture where your muscles are not tense.

👍 Change your tools

Find a toy suitable for your body when enjoying penetrative masturbation. You may feel uncomfortable if the size, length, or firmness do not fit your body structure.

👍 Use a lubricant

Increasing the amount of foreplay can also increase moisture in the vagina.

👍 Relax your muscles

Place a hot pack on the lower abdomen and pelvis, or relax your muscles by taking a bath.

👍 Take a painkiller

Tylenol or ibuprofen may help.

Surprisingly Important: Your State of Mind. If you are feeling confused about masturbation, the body can sensitively sense and react to such a mindset. Think about how you look at yourself as a masturbating woman. Let's accept ourselves as the perfectly normal and natural people we are.


  • Your stomach may hurt after masturbation. It's a common occurrence.
  • You don't have to feel guilty about masturbation because you get a stomach-ache.
  • If your daily life becomes uncomfortable and you are afraid of masturbating, visit a hospital.

Are you curious about how others masturbate? → 나만 자위하는 걸까? What is the recommended daily amount of masturbation? → 아루의 비밀 상담소 Multi-orgasm? It’s real! →로큰롤 자위 테크닉

Expert Advice
Sometimes, women have a lot of guilt around masturbation, and sometimes, that can cause some lingering pain. (Hilda Hutcherson, Columbia University Professor of Obstetrics)
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    진짜 유용한 정보 감사해요!

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