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Body Insecurities

Body Insecurities

Being happy with myself, my body

Body Insecurities


No one gets to choose the shape of their body before they are born. Everyone is randomly given their own body and lives with it for a lifetime. Your body will remain with you until the end whether you like it or not, so it’s important to learn how to care for and love it. Let’s start with acknowledging that you do not need to make your body fit the typical body image created by the gimmicks of modern society. Our bodies are different from one another which is normal and the reason they are special.

Finding the Love for Your Body

Recognizing the Problem: What You Have and Don’t Have

Let’s look at the distractions that can prevent us from facing ours bodies as they are.

  • 🤷‍♀️ What You Have: Dissatisfaction

A survey in 2016 by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea indicated that 76.5% of men were satisfied with their appearance whilst this figure was 10% less for women, at 67.1%. In another study, 20% of men responded to having contemplated having plastic surgery due to their insecurities about their appearance whilst for women it was 40%, two times more.

It is not likely that the percentage of men born with a “satisfactory appearance” is 10% higher than women. The 10% difference is an acquired factor and we need to especially keep in mind the significant impact of society’s higher standards for women.

Opinions on the Importance of Appearance in different Circumstances (Out of 10)

- Dating: Women 7.12 > Men 6.07 - Marriage: Women 6.81 > Men 5.73 - Employment: Women 7.10 > Men 6.49 - Interpersonal Relations: Women 6.84 > Men 6.28

  • 🤷‍♀️ What You Have: Embarrassment

Women are taught to “feel embarrassed” about their bodies from a very young age. Women's bodies should be covered and hidden, and even menstrual products should be kept hidden to not be seen by others. Experts diagnose that girls who grow up in cultures that hide “feminine problems”, such as menstruation, are more likely to experience low self-esteem about their bodies.

  • 🙅‍♀️ What You Don’t Have: A Perfect Body

Four out of ten women of normal weight consider themselves ‘obese’. About 91% of women in the U.S. are unsatisfied with their bodies and go on a diet to achieve the “ideal” size. Unfortunately, only 5% of women have the “ideal” body described by the media. This does not mean that even that 5% is flawlessly perfect. Fashion catalogs that exhibit beautiful bodies edit the bodies of even the best models with photoshop. In the end, the “perfect body” the media encourages people to pursue does not exist.

  • 🙅‍♀ What You Don’t Have: Accurate Information

A survey in the UK indicated that 44% of women cannot identify the vagina within an illustration of women's genitals. The patriarchal culture that prohibits women from looking closely at their bodies separates the owner from their body. Women who do not know about their genitals in this environment are likely to think of their genitals as “not beautiful” from a biased perspective of the media.

Sexual Self-Esteem and Quality of Life A research team at George Washington University revealed that women have a tendency to be “unsatisfied” with the appearance of their genitals and this is a factor that lowers their sexual self-esteem and satisfaction. According to the research team, people with low sexual self-esteem enjoyed sex less and were “more vulnerable to STI’s”.

Change: Learning to Love

Society must take responsibility for putting the lens of shame on women and solve this issue. However, we cannot wait for the world to change. Make an effort to love your body on your own through your own perspective.

  • Encouraging Social Change

Households and schools should not teach about women’s bodies as “objects” to be hidden and protected. Every woman should be supported to self-explore and accept their independent body image. Unsparing criticism should be given to all social agencies that miseducate and pressure us to change.

  • Thinking Critically

We need to think critically about our learned ‘body image’. Be suspicious about the appearance you want to have, and think about whether it was implanted by social conventions and media. We need to think about whether the shame taught to us is treating our bodies unfairly. The appearance you desire may not be what you truly want.

  • Active Exploration

Focus on the anatomy and function of the body instead of being critical. Practice viewing your body as just that, a human body. Observing and getting intimate with your genitals by regularly conducting a genital self-exam can help. Talk about how long your two strong legs can run instead of how slim your thighs are, and exercise for your health instead of for aesthetic change. Look at yourself as a whole individual, not as a collection of imperfect body parts.

  • Consider the Impact

A study by Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts indicated that 70% of university students negatively assessed their appearance after reading a women’s magazine. Women who consume more media tend to place higher value on their appearance. Have you been influenced by someone? It may be necessary to cut off negative influences.

Meanwhile, not only do you need to think about the influences of society, but also your own influence on society. The global singer Adele enjoys makeup and various hairstyles but she went bare-faced on the cover of Rolling Stone. She wanted to send a message to the public that success is not related to whether you “make yourself look pretty”.

Don’t forget that being embarrassed by your bare face, and being ashamed by your appearance affects not only yourself, but also others around you.

Wisdom from Adele "Being told how to look is about being a product, and I don't want to be a product." “I'm really happy to be me, and I prefer to think people like me more because I'm happy with myself and not because I refuse to conform to anything.” “I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out.”


  • Think positively about your body and practice loving your body.
  • Overcoming body insecurities needs individual effort but also social changes.
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    그림이 너무 귀엽💕

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      맞아요 나는 소중해!

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    무한한 예언가

    너무 좋은 글이네요!ㅠㅠㅠ 위로 받고 가요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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    포효하는 질문

    사회와 나의 변화가 둘다 필요할거같아요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 2

    정말... ‘한 번도 남 앞에 드러낸 적 없는데 이걸 할 수 있다고?’ 싶고 불편하고 불안한 마음이 있었는데 위로받고 가요🥺

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    숨어있는 자기 3

    좋은 글 감사해요~ 더 많은 사람들이 이런 생각을 갖고 살아가면 좋겠네요! ㅎㅎ 저부터 시작해야겠죠..!! 같이 파이팅!!

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    숨어있는 자기 4

    저는 남들의 시선에 취약하고 예민해서 자기자신을 심하게 검열하거나 안좋게 평가할때가 많은데 이 글을 읽고 조금이나마 위로를 받고 갑니다ㅠㅠㅠ💕우리 모두 소중해🥺

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    어제 남자친구와 어쩌다 보니 각자 자신의 몸에서 싫은 부분에 대해 얘기를 했는데 마침 이런글이 떠서 신기하네요

  • user thumbnale
    LA 편지

    좋은 글이네요. 응원, 위로 받고 가요 🤧

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  • user thumbnale
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    나를 좀 더 사랑할 수 있길 !

  • user thumbnale
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    위로받는 글이네요ㅠㅅㅠ

  • user thumbnale
    투명한 바람개비

    ㅠㅅㅠ 나 자신 파이팅🥺

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 10

    오늘부터 조금씩 나를 더 사랑할 수 있길 :)

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 11

    항상거울을 보면서 안좋은 점만 봤는데 이제 좋은점도 봐야겠네요!

  • user thumbnale
    사과향 새우

    직장동료 딸이 일곱살 유치원생인데 화장하고 다니고 아이돌 춤 따라하고 그래서 ... 좀 슬펐어요. 그 아이랑 저는 친하기 때문에 기분안나쁘게 애기한테 장난치듯이 제 여드름자국 보여주면서 '이모는 화장하면 피부가 숨을 못쉬어서 이렇게 막 뭐가 나서 화장안하는데~~~'라고 했더니 약간 생각하는것같더라고요 ㅎㅎ;;; 오지랖이지만 옛날보다 요즘 아이들이 미적기준에 더 엄격하고 심각합니다

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 12

    나를 사랑하기! 😘

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  • user thumbnale
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    소중한 나 ⋯ 🩷

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  • user thumbnale
    레몬향 사막여우

    특히나 외가나 친가 모두 마르고 날씬한 여자들이 당연하다고 여겼고 그중에도 통통했던 나는 정상체중임에도 불구하고 뚱뚱하다고 놀림받았었는데... 그게 강하게 형성되면서 성인인 지금도 나 자신을 사랑하지 못하고 있다ㅠㅠ 그래도 나 자신을 좀 더 사랑해보려고 노력해야지..!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 18

    정말 큰 위로가 되는 글이에요. 너무 감사해요.😍

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