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Beginner’s Guide to Tampons

Beginner’s Guide to Tampons

Safe and vibrant tampon life

Beginner’s Guide to Tampons


Although not yet entirely sufficient, humans have developed several tools to more efficiently manage menstruation. These include pads, tampons, menstrual cups, menstrual underwear, and menstrual sponges. Every menstrual product has distinct pros and cons. This is a brief introduction to the world of tampons. It will provide more details for tampon users about those cotton plugs we are inserting into our bodies, and easy instructions for first time users. Even if you are not interested in using tampons, it’s best to be well informed to keep your options open.

The World of Tampons

✔️ Tampon 101

There are numerous tampons in the world. Let’s start the journey to find the perfect tampon for you.

The tampon that’s easy to use, perfect for your menstrual flow, fits your philosophical standards, or one that you simply prefer...what is your tampon of choice?

  • Applicator vs Non-applicator

An applicator is a tool to more easily insert the tampon into the vagina.

Many tampons have different shaped applicators. Pick the one that fits you best.

There are also non-applicator tampons that are inserted using your fingers. Also known as “digital tampons”, these tampons can be challenging to use for beginners but can be more convenient and comfortable for those with experience. They are also more eco-friendly as the applicator does not need to be disposed of.

  • The Shape of the Tampon

- Rolled shape: A shape that absorbs well due to the large surface area

- Rigid shape: A shape that's easy to insert and causes less discomfort

- ‘Opening’ shape: A shape to prevent menstrual blood from leaking

  • By Absorbency

- Light: Absorbs less than 6 grams

- Regular: Absorbs from 6 to 9 grams

- Super: Absorbs from 9 to 12 grams

- Super plus: Absorbs from 12 to 18 grams

- Ultra: Absorbs more than 18 grams

✔️ Clarifying Misconceptions About Tampons

  • What if the tampon gets lost inside?

Tampons do not get stuck inside nor disappear. The tampon is not able to move to a different part of the body nor is there a possibility that it will get stuck. The cervix at the end of the vagina has just a really small opening that discharges menstrual blood. You can remove the tampon at any time by pulling on the string. The string on the tampon will not fall off easily. Even if it does fall off, you can remove the tampon using your fingers.

  • Aren’t tampons for adults only?

There is no age limit for tampons. Tampons can be purchased and used by anyone going through menstruation.

  • Will I lose my virginity if I use a tampon?

This is a well-known myth about tampons, and one with no basis in fact. The “hymen”, which is attributed to virginity, is more like an elastic collar of tissue, rather than a thick, breakable barrier. It is also not an indicator of whether or not one has had sexual intercourse. For some people the hymen could be broken by mistake in the process of inserting the tampon. However, breaking of the hymen is very common and can occur at any time in daily life, not just during penetration.

✔️ Using a Tampon

  • Preparations
  1. Wash your hands
  1. Go to a private and comfortable space
  1. Find your vaginal opening.

If it’s difficult to find your vaginal opening… Think of it anatomically. Women have a total of three openings in their lower body. The urethra is at the front where urine leaves your body, the vaginal opening is in the middle, and the anus is at the rear. If you already know where your urethra is located, let’s start from there. About 3-5 cm below the urethra is where your vaginal opening is located.
  • Insertion!
  1. Hold the tampon firmly and line it up with the vaginal opening.
  1. Slowly insert the upper half of the applicator into the vagina.
  1. Press the bottom of the applicator with your index finger to insert the absorbent part of the tampon. (2-3. Digital tampons are inserted into the vagina using your finger)
  1. Remove the applicator from the vagina.
Is everything comfortable? After inserting the tampon, slightly bend your knees or raise one knee at a time to check if you’re comfortable. If you're uncomfortable, then it is not properly inserted. Take it out and try again with a new tampon.

  • Removal
  1. Know when to remove a tampon.
Tampons can used for up to 8 hours. It is recommended to change a tampon every 6–8 hours, but for heavy menstrual flow the tampon may need to be removed sooner. If the string is bloody, it’s time to remove the tampon.
  1. Pull the string at one end of the tampon.
  1. Wrap it in tissue and throw it away in the trash.

✔️ TIP. Safe Use of Tampons

“There is always a first time for everything!” Inserting the tampon may not be easy if it’s your first time. Stay calm and keep trying. There is no need to do it perfectly in one try.
Hello, My Vagina” You look in the mirror when you put on earrings for the first time after piercing your ears. Likewise, try using a mirror if finding your vagina is difficult just with your hands. You can find out what your vulva looks like as well as the ideal posture to insert the tampon.
“It’s not embarrassing to ask for help” If needed, ask for help from someone you can rely on. You should see a doctor if you find removing the tampon difficult.

✔️ Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

If you get a fever, rash, or vomiting while using a tampon, seek help immediately.

- Toxic Shock Syndrome is an infection caused by toxins from Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, or Clostridium Sordellii bacteria penetrating the bloodstream. It is a rare but serious condition that can be life-threatening.

- Over half of Toxic Shock Syndrome cases occur in women using tampons during menstruation. Using tampons that are highly absorbent for a long time can dry out the vaginal wall, creating a higher chance for infections if there are any wounds. A warm tampon that has absorbed blood can be the base for bacterial growth.

- Follow the recommended insertion time for your tampons to prevent TSS. Tampons should not stay inside the body for more than 8 hours. Change tampons every 4 to 6 hours. Try not to use tampons over night.


  • The tampon is an insertable menstruation management tool that is easy to use.
  • Follow the safety measures when using tampons to avoid complications such as Toxic Shock Syndrome.
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    혹시 디지털 탐폰 써보신 분 있나요? 어플리케이터만 쓰다가 갈아타고 싶은데 엄두가 안 나네요ㅜㅜ

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      오래전 댓글이지만 혹시 아직도 고민하고 계실까봐(+나중에 이걸 볼 자기들을 위해) 댓글 답니다! 밖에선 어플리케이터 집에선 디지털 쓰고있는데 다리 벌리고 무릎 좀 굽혀서 딱 흡수체 길이만큼만 넣어준다음 숨한번 편하게 쉬어주고 흡수체 뒤쪽(높이상 아래쪽) 부분을 누른다는 느낌으로 하면 잘 들어가더라고요!! 생리대~온리 어플리케이터 시절 내내 무조건 흡수량 많은거 선호파였는데 디지털 쓰면서 후반기엔 흡수량 적은걸로 줄여주는게 맞구나를 깨달았습니다...😅 확실히 잘들어가더라구요 작은게

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      처음부터 제위치까지 넣으려 하면 힘들고 적당히 끼워준(?) 다음 밀어넣는게 좋아여요!! (윗댓에서 말한 편하게 숨한번 쉬는 부분) 전 끼우는것까진 검지로 하고 밀어넣는건 중지로 합니당

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    탐폰 냄새 덜 나고 생리 흐르는 느낌도 없고 너무 좋음

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    탐폰 정말 신세계 삶의 질이 상승해요. 탐폰 쓰는걸 두려워했던 시간들이 정말 아까워요. 탐폰에 대한 잘못된 상식ex처녀막 찢어진다, 질이 넓어진다 등 그 말을 믿고 못썼던 시간이 너무 아까워요ㅠ 여러분 도전해보세요

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    국내건 해피문데이가 괜찮고 넘사벽은 직구해야하지만 탐펙스가 최고입니당.

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      혹시 어떻게 구매할까요?

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    탐폰 쓰기 두려웠는데 이 글을 통해서 용기를 얻었어요!!!ㅜㅜ

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    해피문데이는 여성기업에 생분해되는 플라스틱 어플리케이터라 체험키트 구매했었는데 물렁해서 손가락에 힘이 안 들어가서 몇 번을 고생했어요... 덜 꼽혀서 질이 퉤 하고 뱉어내서 버린 게 몇 개고... 잘못 꽂은 채로 롯데월드 돌아다니다 자이로드롭 탔다가 내리꽂힐 때 파열될 것 같았던 적도 있고...(다행이 충격적으로 아프기만 했지 다치진 않았습니다) 트라우마가 남아 못 쓰고 남은 게 1년 째 있는데 지금쯤 개선이 됐을지 모르겠네요... 화이트는 돌기가 있어도 피 묻으면 헛돌고, 좋은느낌이 실리콘 그립 땜에 (피 닦으면) 손에서 덜 미끄러져서 제일 낫더라고요... 사람마다 다를 순 있음 개인적으로 성분 걱정돼서 모든 탐폰은 오코텍스 인증받은 유기농 탐폰만 쓰는데 돈이 없어서 나트라케어는 아직 못 써봤음

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    도전해 보고 싶어요

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    20살입니당 오늘 탐폰 처음 써봤는데 신세계에요 진짜 하나도 안 불편하고 답답함도 없어요

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    해피문데이에서 디지털 사고 하나 시도하다가 실패 후 일단 모셔놨습니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다음 달거리일때 도저언

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    탐폰 쓰고 자유로움과 신세계를 맛 보는 중인데! 아직도 질 넓이와 길이가 가늠이 안가서 어떤게 잘 맞는건지 모르겠어서 유목민 중이예요 ㅠㅠ 혹시 질 넓이 크기 아는 방법이 있을까요?? 그게 따른 탐폰 추천 길이 라던가 그런게 너무 궁금해요~~

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    저도 탐폰이랑 친해지는데 꽤 걸렸었는데 익숙해지니까 신세계였어요 제몸인데도 입구도 잘 몰랐어서ㅋㅋ 엄청 헤맸었고 이런거 배우라고 성교육 있는건데...싶더라구요 디지털은 무리해서 처음부터 쓰기 보다는 일단 어플리케이터랑 같이 준비해서 실패해도 괜찮다~ 이런식으로 긴장을 푸니까 되더라구요 그리구 넣는 깊이도 중요했는데, 어플리케이터로 하면 얼마나 깊이 들어가는지 몰랐다가 디지털 탐폰 넣을때 너무 얕게 넣어서 초반에 고생했었어요 생각보다 손가락 두마디 반정도? 깊게 들어가야하고 이거보다 얕으면 엄청 아프고 이물감 심해서 도로 빼야합니다

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    탐폰 늘 궁금하고 편해보였는데 막연한 두려움에 시도를 못해봤어요ㅠㅜ그래도 꼭 도전해보고싶네용

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    해피문데이꺼 좋아요!! 지금 많이 개선된 듯

  • user thumbnale
    초록색 토성

    수영한다고 도전했었는데 생리통도 줄었어요 대박적.

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    숨어있는 자기 18

    탐폰 착용한 뒤로 몇 시간을 착용했든 소변만 보면 그 즉시 바로 새버리길래 안 쓰게 되었어요 이물감이나 걸리는 것들 하나도 없었는데 계속 그렇게 되니까 너무 불편하더라고요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 19

    탐폰 쓰고 싶은데 부모님께서 탐탁치 않아하네요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 20

    잘못 넣으면 입구에 걸려서 아프니 잘 넣어야해요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 21

    처음부터 제위치까지 넣으려 하면 힘들고 적당히 끼워준(?) 다음 밀어넣는게 좋아요!! (윗댓에서 말한 숨한번 편하게 쉬는 부분) 전 끼우는것까진 검지로 하고 밀어넣는건 중지로 합니당

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    숨어있는 자기 22

    탐팩스 탐폰 지인짜 좋아요 국내꺼는 잘새고 불편해서 뭐가좋은가했는데 탐팩스쓰고나서 탐폰없던시절도 못돌아가는중입니다 저는 큐텐어플로 구매하는편이에요

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