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Sex in Water

Sex in Water

Can I get pregnant in a swimming pool?!!

Sex in Water


Imagine yourself lying in a bathtub full of warm water, relieving the exhaustion of the day, or being hit by the steamy hot water falling from the shower. Just imagining it could make your body melt. But let's not be satisfied here. Let’s imagine one more thing. For example, hands sliding up over your moist body, and meeting a partner's eyes through the foggy steam.

Sex is not just for the Bedroom

Humans are animals of adaptation. The foods that seem to be delicious even if you eat them every day start to taste bad at some point, and the games that seem to be fun every day start to get boring. Sex is no exception. We have sex for various reasons, such as to relieve sexua

Sex in Water


Imagine yourself lying in a bathtub full of warm water, relieving the exhaustion of the day, or being hit by the steamy hot water falling from the shower. Just imagining it could make your body melt. But let's not be satisfied here. Let’s imagine one more thing. For example, hands sliding up over your moist body, and meeting a partner's eyes through the foggy steam.

Sex is not just for the Bedroom

Humans are animals of adaptation. The foods that seem to be delicious even if you eat them every day start to taste bad at some point, and the games that seem to be fun every day start to get boring. Sex is no exception. We have sex for various reasons, such as to relieve sexua

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