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Coregasm (Exercise-Induced Orgasm)

Coregasm (Exercise-Induced Orgasm)

A more common incident than you may have thought

Coregasm (Exercise-Induced Orgasm)


Did you know many women experience orgasm during exercise, especially core exercise? This phenomenon has actually been observed by scientists since the 1950’s. However, it hasn’t received much attention over the past 60 years. Let’s take a look at some recently conducted research and learn more about this fun and natural bodily reaction.

An Orgasm Generated by Exercise

✔️ Exercise-Induced Orgasm(EIO)

In 1953 researcher Alfred Kinsey discussed the sexual pleasure women may feel during exercise in his book ‘Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female’. Approximately 60 years later, in 2012, the first scientific study of the phenomenon was attempted. This stu

Coregasm (Exercise-Induced Orgasm)


Did you know many women experience orgasm during exercise, especially core exercise? This phenomenon has actually been observed by scientists since the 1950’s. However, it hasn’t received much attention over the past 60 years. Let’s take a look at some recently conducted research and learn more about this fun and natural bodily reaction.

An Orgasm Generated by Exercise

✔️ Exercise-Induced Orgasm(EIO)

In 1953 researcher Alfred Kinsey discussed the sexual pleasure women may feel during exercise in his book ‘Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female’. Approximately 60 years later, in 2012, the first scientific study of the phenomenon was attempted. This stu

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    헬스장에서 레그레이즈 하다가 와서 깜놀했는데 멈추진못했습니다🤭

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    이 개념을 알고나서 복근 운동할때 더 집중해서 뭘 감각하는지 느껴보곤했는데요 확신은 못하지만 비슷한 언저리의 무언가를 느껴본것같아요

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    섬세한 곰돌이

    직장 동료랑 같이 읽어봤는데 동료가 코어가즘으로 간다고 하네요!ㅋㅋㅋ 자기만 그렇고 이상한 사람인줄 알았는데 이렇게 느끼는 사람이 많다니…!!! 하면서 너무 기뻐하고 신기해하고ㅋㅋㅋㅋ저도 궁금해져서 시도 해봐야겠어요 🤤

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    뭐야 나만 느끼는 줄 알았잖아요..

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    빛나는 새송이

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    반전있는 오로라

    어릴 때 다리찢기 매일 열심히 할 때 뭔가 느꼈었어요! 그 기분이 좋아서 더 열심히 했었죠,,,쿄쿄 이게 같은 건지는 모르겠지만🤔🤔

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    저는 폴더폰처럼 접을때..ㅎ

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    지인이 운동하다가 느낀 것 같다고 했는데.. 정말 사실이네여..

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    그룹 필라테스 꾸준히 하는데, 그룹 섹스 하는 거처럼 야륵하고 기분좋은 느낌이 들때가 있어요 🥹🥹🥹 자위안해도 되는 날ㅋㅋ

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