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The History of the Birth Control PillThe History of the Birth Control PillThe History of the Birth Control PillThe History of the Birth Control Pill

The History of the Birth Control PillThe History of the Birth Control PillThe History of the Birth Control PillThe History of the Birth Control Pill

We’ve invested a lot in this… We’ve lost a lot too…

The History of the Birth Control Pill


A fact of life is that it is mostly women who are exposed to the risks of unintended pregnancy and subsequent childbearing. Throughout the long history of humankind, women have always been the vigilant ones in regard to contraception and fertility. In the past, when using male condoms was the only method of contraception, pregnancy was considered almost an unavoidable fate.

So it is no exaggeration to say that the invention of contraceptive methods like the birth control pill and the intrauterine device (IUD) rewrote women’s history. The birth control pill allowed women to plan and control their pregnancy and childbirth. The advent of the birth c

The History of the Birth Control Pill


A fact of life is that it is mostly women who are exposed to the risks of unintended pregnancy and subsequent childbearing. Throughout the long history of humankind, women have always been the vigilant ones in regard to contraception and fertility. In the past, when using male condoms was the only method of contraception, pregnancy was considered almost an unavoidable fate.

So it is no exaggeration to say that the invention of contraceptive methods like the birth control pill and the intrauterine device (IUD) rewrote women’s history. The birth control pill allowed women to plan and control their pregnancy and childbirth. The advent of the birth c

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    여성이 피임약 소비 주체이고 그래서 기업에 당당하게 더 안전한 약을 요구할 수 있다는 것. 사회는 피임약 부작용에 귀를 기울여야한다는 것. 우리 모두의 "당연한 권리" 🤝👍👏

  • user thumbnale
    요즘 이모티콘

    정말 좋은 컨텐츠였어요. 여성이 피임약의 소비주체임에도 불구하고, 정보를 제대로 제공받지도 못했고 부작용은 여성의 몫이었다는 사실,기억할게요!😾

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    숨어있는 자기 3

    감사합니다 :)

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    빛나는 토마토


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    콘텐츠 맛집 사랑해요

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    활짝 금요일

