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The Giving Lover

The Giving Lover

The Storyteller: Han Sori

The Giving Lover

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. Sori Han tells you an interesting story…

How familiar are you with the terms Give and Take?

You’ve probably heard it often in your daily life. In business, in relationships, amongst family and friends. Give and take means both sides give, cooperate or exchange opinions. To give, to receive or to exchange, in some ways it underpins our society.

Interestingly, in the queer communities of South Korea, 'giv

The Giving Lover

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. Sori Han tells you an interesting story…

How familiar are you with the terms Give and Take?

You’ve probably heard it often in your daily life. In business, in relationships, amongst family and friends. Give and take means both sides give, cooperate or exchange opinions. To give, to receive or to exchange, in some ways it underpins our society.

Interestingly, in the queer communities of South Korea, 'giv

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    다른 것보다 애무를 길게! 하는게 받는 것도, 해주는 것도 제 스타일이 아니더라고요 애무 길게하는 거 좋아하시는 분도 있나요??

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      운좋은 영혼

      애무가 그래도 좀 길어야 만족이 되는편인거같아요

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      블링블링 밤바다

      여자끼리라서 그런지 몰라도 저랑 애인은 그 시간을 제일 좋아했어요

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    숨어있는 자기 4

    깁에 권력 부여 너무 공감해요 ㅋ 전남친도 다신이 깁을 당하는 건 상상도 할 수 없다고 아무리 좋아도 x팔릴거 같다고 하더라고요 ㅋㅋ 무슨 ㅋ

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    통통튀는 애플파이

    레즈 용어를 헤테로에 쓰는 게 맞나 싶어요...

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