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Penetration is Not the Problem

Penetration is Not the Problem

The Storyteller: Baek InKyeong

Penetration is Not the Problem

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. InKyeong Baek tells you an interesting story…

I'd like to introduce a scene from Rob Reiner's 1989 film ‘When Harry met Sally’.

Harry and Sally (two friends), are chatting over a meal. Sally is criticizing Harry for lying and leaving for home straight after a sexual encounter with a woman, and a puzzled Harry claims “I think they have an okay time”. When Sally laughs and asks “how do you k

Penetration is Not the Problem

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. InKyeong Baek tells you an interesting story…

I'd like to introduce a scene from Rob Reiner's 1989 film ‘When Harry met Sally’.

Harry and Sally (two friends), are chatting over a meal. Sally is criticizing Harry for lying and leaving for home straight after a sexual encounter with a woman, and a puzzled Harry claims “I think they have an okay time”. When Sally laughs and asks “how do you k

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나도 '오르가즘 연기'를 해본 적이

삽입 섹스로 오르가슴을 느낀 적..

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 1

    섹스토이 사봐야겠어요 혹시 여기 분들 추천해주실만한거 있을까요?

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 4

      저도 세티스파이어 잘쓰고있어요 자극이 강해서 5분 이내에 오르가즘에 도달할수 있어요 자극이 강한게 장점이자 단점 인듯 ㅎ

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 5

      dip 샀어요! 넘넘 추천욤

    • user thumbnale
      콜라향 브라질넛

      삽입으로 느끼는지 혹은 문지르기 클리로느끼는지에 따라 추천이 다를거같아욥! 클리면 우머나이저 삽입이라면 본인이 삽입시느끼는 사이즈 진동여부 삽입시에 질안쪽떨림 좋아하는지 기구가다양하니 취향을먼저확인하고 구매하는거추천드려요! 큰게좋을거같아서 큰거사서 삽입자위때 맨날피봐서ㅠㅠ자기질사이즈도 어느정도알아야하더라구요
