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Do asexual people have sex or masturbate?



In English, various prefixes are added to the beginning of the words to add meaning to them. Examples include un-, in-, im-, dis-, and non-. Among them is a-, a negative prefix that adds the meaning of not or without. An example would be asexual. Asexual is a combination of the prefix a- and the word sexual, meaning ‘not sexual’ or ‘not sexually attracted,’ which we will discuss in this article.


Common sexual orientations include heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. Asexuality is a sexual orientation like them. Though being asexual means different things to different people, the most common definition of asexual is someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction.

Myths and facts about asexuality

According to a study, about 1% of the population is asexual. Asexual people, the 1%, have long been misunderstood. Let us debunk the myths about asexuality one by one.

✔︎ Asexual people are emotionless 🙅‍♀️

It is a common myth that asexual people are aloof, cold, and robotic. Lack of sexual attraction does not equal lack of emotion or any other types of attraction.

  • Romantic attraction: A desire to be in a romantic relationship with another person
  • Aesthetic attraction: Appreciation of the appearance of another person
  • Sensual attraction: A desire to interact with another person in a tactile way, such as through hugging or cuddling
  • Platonic attraction: A desire to be in a close relationship with another person in a way that is not romantic or sexual
  • Emotional attraction: A desire to be emotionally connected to another person

There are many different types of attraction, not to mention the whole range of emotions. Many asexual people do experience other types of attraction than sexual and feel emotions.

✔︎ All asexual people lack sexual desire, so they don’t have sex at all 🙅‍♂️

Sexual attraction differs from sexual desire or libido. Thus, a lack of sexual attraction to others doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of sexual desire. Many asexual people still experience sexual desire. They may masturbate or have sex. Asexual people may have sex to satisfy their libido, to conceive children, to show and receive affection, or for the physical pleasure of sex. And this doesn’t differ much from people with other sexual orientations.

Of course, some asexual people have little or no sexual desire. They may be indifferent to sex, not very comfortable with having sex, or even sex-repulsed. All of those are normal, so no worries.

✔︎ All asexual people are abstinent or celibate 🙅‍♀️

Here, abstinence means restraining oneself from having sex, and celibacy means abstaining from sex and marriage, which usually lasts longer than abstinence. Both represent choices. However, being asexual is not a choice. Asexuality is an orientation, just like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

In addition, some asexual people have sex, marry, and have children.

✔︎ Asexuality is a medical problem due to a physical defect or psychological trauma 🙅‍♂️

Many people try to guess why asexual people are asexual. For example, they wrongly assume that asexual people are sexually oppressed, afraid of being intimate with others due to traumatic experiences, or sexually dysfunctional.

But asexuality is not a medical problem caused by a traumatic event or physical dysfunction. It is not some disease to be cured. Nor does it magically disappear when you meet “the one.” There is no “root cause” of being asexual. Asexual people are just asexual, that’s all.

Am I asexual?

If you are confused or not sure about your sexual orientation, you may want to try answering the questions below. Note that it is not a validated test that can give you a definite answer on whether you are asexual or not. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. But by thinking through your answer, you can look back on your experiences and search your heart, which can help you to better understand your sexual orientation.

It’s up to YOU!

One thing to be respected as much as free expression and autonomous decision-making about sex is that someone may lack sexual interest or attraction, and it’s normal. It’s about respecting others’ sexuality, but it’s also about respecting yourself.

The most important thing in understanding your sexuality is to choose the identifier you’re most comfortable with. Defining your sexuality is up to you, not anyone else. Of course, it’s also okay to stay questioning or not label your sexuality.


  • Asexual people experience little or no sexual attraction
  • Asexuality ≠ Abstinence ≠ Celibacy ≠ Medical problem
  • You are the only one who can define your sexual orientation
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    숨어있는 자기 1

    무성애에 대해 더 자세한 정보가 있었으면 좋겠어요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기

    성적 끌림이 없다는 게, 심리적인 말인지 생물학적인 말인지 모르겠어요. 그저 ‘느끼지 않는다’고 말하면 자의적 판단으로 이해되서요. 저도 더 자세한 이야기가 궁금합니다!

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    그리하여 울프

    저도 무성애에 대한 설명이 아직 와닿지는 않네요 ㅠㅠ 섹스보다는 그냥 껴안고 있고 싶다는 생각을 하곤 해요. 위에 설명된 미적 끌림이나 정서적 끌림에 대한 설명이 더 와닿기는 하네요. ㅎㅎ

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    감사합니다. 2탄 기다립니다

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    여린 물병자리

    무성애자라고 생각하는데 가끔 아닌 것도 같아서 항상 고민이 많았어요.. 근데 알게 됐네요! 누군가를 껴안고 싶고 손잡고 쓰다듬고 싶은 욕구는 성적 욕구가 아니었군요 몰랐어요 스킨쉽이니까 그걸 느끼면 무성애자가 아닌 거라고 생각했어요

    • user thumbnale
      여린 물병자리

      ㅜ 무성애자는 타인에게 그런 끌림이나 호감을 느끼지 않는 줄 알아서 정체성에 혼란이 있었어요

  • user thumbnale
    어느새 네이트

    와 무성애자 다뤄주샤서 감사합니다 자기만의방 어플에 반해서 이런 흘륭한 서비스는 누가 만든걸까 하고 감탄하다가,, 역시 성애자들만을 위한 서비스이겠지 하면서 시무룩하면서 무성애자 검색했는데 나와서 좋았어요. 저는 무성애자들을 위한 이런 어플을 만드는 게 꿈이에요 무성애 관련 논의는 아직 시작단계조차 아니거든요 부재를 증명하는게 어렵다 보니 온갖 하위 항목만 수 없이 늘어나고, 우리도 우리가 무슨 말을 하는지, 내 경험이 상대의 경험과 일치하는지 아닌지 잘 모르고 말로써 끊임없이 확인해야만 하죠. 이 어플을 운영하시는 모든 분들께 존경을 표합니다 감사해욥💛

  • user thumbnale
    어느새 네이트

    이거봐요 이 글도 좋아요 수 적잖아 ㅠㅠ 제가 커밍아웃 하지 못 하는 이유는 저는 아직까지 저같은 사람이 소수라는 것을 믿기 어렵기 때문입니다(?) 성적끌림을 느끼는 게 디폴트라고? 진짜? 무성애 개념이 더 널리 퍼지면 더 많은 사람들이 여기에 공감하게 되지 않을까나? 설마? 아직까지 이런 생각이 들거든요. 저는 제가 자연스럽거든요. 아무리 생각해봐도 성적 트라우마도 없고 사람들을 매우 좋아하고 잘 지내며 의미있는 관계를 맺습니다. 다만 관계에 성적인 요소나 로맨틱한 요소를 전혀 상정하지 않을 뿐이에요. 무성애자도 양질의 사회적 관계를 맺고 산다는 사례와 논의가 더 활발해지기를 바라요 😊

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    그댈위한 갈대

    무성애자에 대해 이해해보고 싶으신 분들 중 이성애자나 동성애자 분들은, 본인이 동성이나 이성(끌림을 느끼지 않는 성별)에 대해 느끼는 감정이 모든 사람에게로 확장된다고 생각하면 살짝 와닿을 것 같아요. 본인이 특정 성별에 끌리지 않거나 덜 끌린다면, 무성애자의 경우 모든 사람에게 그런 성향이라 생각하면 조금 쉬울 것 같아요. (물론 무성애자 안에선 더 다양한 스펙트럼이 있지만요..ㅎㅎ)

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    숨어있는 자기 3

    마지막에 있는 무성애 질의는 출처가 어떻게 되나요? 커뮤니티 등 무성애 관련 정보를 접할 수 있는 타 사이트로의 접점도 되니까 가능하다면 추가부탁드리고 싶은데요..

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