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Position Motion Dictionary - Doggy Style

Position Motion Dictionary - Doggy Style

Pay attention to the position and movement of the hips!

Position Motion Dictionary - Doggy Style

One-point lessons for better sex In life, the things that come without effort are generally not worth much. You have to work for it. For your orgasm. We’ll show you how here.

Doggy Style

‘From Behind’ positions are known to optimize deep penetration and provide intense stimulation.

Commonly known as ‘doggy style’, they are amongst the most popular positions worldwide.

It may also be the ‘key’ for those looking for their G-Spot.

How To
Basic Position

  • The receiving partner kneels down first, putting their hands on the floor and raising their upper body slightly.
  • The penetrating partner sits behind and positions the penis to insert into the vagina or anu
Position Motion Dictionary - Doggy Style

One-point lessons for better sex In life, the things that come without effort are generally not worth much. You have to work for it. For your orgasm. We’ll show you how here.

Doggy Style

‘From Behind’ positions are known to optimize deep penetration and provide intense stimulation.

Commonly known as ‘doggy style’, they are amongst the most popular positions worldwide.

It may also be the ‘key’ for those looking for their G-Spot.

How To
Basic Position

  • The receiving partner kneels down first, putting their hands on the floor and raising their upper body slightly.
  • The penetrating partner sits behind and positions the penis to insert into the vagina or anu
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    너무 세게하면 다음날 엉덩이 아픔 ㅠ

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    후배위할때 삽입을 받는 사람이 다리를 모으면 별로 안 아프더라고요 상대도 다리를 모으는 게 더 좋대요 야동에서 나오는 것처럼 다리벌리고 하니까 경부가 너무 아파서 악 소리질렀어요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 다리 모으고 하는 거 추천! 완전히 밀착해서 삽입하는 사람이 받는 사람 어깨 잡고 하면 더 좋아요

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      오 감사해요

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      좋은 정보네요 고마워요~~!!

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      좋은 정보네요 고마워요~~!!

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    정의로운 두루미

    다리 벌리고 하다가 같이 포개진 상태로 누워서 하면…좋아요

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    개인차는 있겠지만 가끔은 엉덩이 때리거나 머리채 잡으면서 해도 야릇하고 기분 좋아요
