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Withdrawal Method

Withdrawal Method

CAUTION: It's not a method of contraception

Withdrawal Method


Withdrawal Method, or ‘pulling out’ refers to the act of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Many people around the world use this method to avoid pregnancy. It’s popularity is due to fact that it doesn’t require money spent on condoms or other contraceptives, regular medicine use, or complicated surgery. Just take it out and your done. How great! But if you look a little closer, there are some definite flaws.

Pulling out, Is it Actually Effective?

If you search ‘withdrawal method’ in google the majority of suggested questions will ask ‘is it effective?’ regarding the possibility of pregnancy. How effective is it? Perhap

Withdrawal Method


Withdrawal Method, or ‘pulling out’ refers to the act of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Many people around the world use this method to avoid pregnancy. It’s popularity is due to fact that it doesn’t require money spent on condoms or other contraceptives, regular medicine use, or complicated surgery. Just take it out and your done. How great! But if you look a little closer, there are some definite flaws.

Pulling out, Is it Actually Effective?

If you search ‘withdrawal method’ in google the majority of suggested questions will ask ‘is it effective?’ regarding the possibility of pregnancy. How effective is it? Perhap

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