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AROOO’s Secret Sex Counselling Service : I have a crush on a girl… Am I a Lesbian?

AROOO’s Secret Sex Counselling Service : I have a crush on a girl… Am I a Lesbian?

"Tell me how to date a girl.."

AROOO’s Secret Sex Counselling Service : I have a crush on a girl… Am I a Lesbian?

Hi Roomies, I’m Nari!

Introducing Nari, aka. Lily Smith. A Room of One’s Own’s very own in-house Sexologist, all the way from Australia.

Nari is going to give clear answers to our Roomies questions in The Circle about love, life and sex.

I think my first love was a woman. Am I a Lez? I've never been in a relationship and I’ve only ever liked that one person. - Hidden Roomie 1

🙋‍♀️ : Everyone loves in different ways. You can name it whatever, whenever you want.

When you don’t have much experience with romance, it can be hard to know just what it is your feeling. Is this love? attraction? A crush? Even more so when your a woman crushing on another woman.

Modern society is both homosocial and heteronormative. Homosocial refers to a preference for socializing and building bonds within ones gender. Girls are friends with girls. Boys are friends with boys. Heteronormative refers to romantic or sexual relationships between two genders as being considered ‘normal’ and ‘natural’. This means we are taught to look for friendships with the same sex, and to expect to date the opposite sex. Which can be confusing when you think you might be same-sex attracted.

It’s okay to take it case-by-case. You might be attracted to an individual and that doesn’t mean you have to only like people of that same gender for ever. It might be something else, beyond gender, that you are attracted to. Maybe you’re attracted to people who are kind and like basketball and have freckles, regardless of their gender? Maybe your attracted to people who make you feel safe and supported? And maybe you’re just not really attracted to anyone at all, that’s fine too. If you’re a woman who finds herself attracted to other women, you might find that the label ‘lesbian’ connects for you.

I've only dated men so far, but I'm a little confused thinking about my sexual orientation. I don't really have a crush on a girl right now, but I'm thinking I'd like to try dating one, I don't know if this is just a curiosity or what. Have any other Roomies experiences something similar? - Hidden Roomie 1
I’ve only ever felt attracted to a woman once in my life… but does that mean there’s a chance I’m bi? - Hidden Roomie 2

🙋‍♀️ : Of course. 200%!

Don’t try to force yourself to fit into one word, one definition.

Labels like ‘lesbian’, ‘bisexual’ etc can give people a sense of identity and community, but they can also be limiting and restrictive. There are many different types of attraction; sexual, sensual, romantic, personable. You might feel a combination for any person at any time, you might have a preference for a certain gender for some and not for others. And throughout your life your preferences might change. You might enjoy heterosexual relationships throughout your 20’s, but then feel attracted to women in your 30’s. It’s okay to prefer dating women while still enjoying have sex with men. Or vice-versa.

For some people, their preferences are very strong and they just know. They never question it, whether that’s an attraction to men, women or both. For probably most people however, it’s just not that easy. It’s totally normal to be confused and uncertain. It’s also totally normal for your preferences to change. Umbrella terms like ‘queer’ and ‘fluid’ are popular with younger generations who don’t want to be restricted by a single label.

Wouldn't it be okay not to be so strict and serious about sexual identities?

“Banjiha, you identify as queer, don't you?”

When asked, queer artist Banjiha replied like this

”Yeah, well. Not completely… but yeah. Not all the time but... sometimes. yeah.”

Lesbian Roomies… How did you start dating? The apps just aren’t working for me :’( - Hidden Roomie 1
I’m in a lesbian relationship but… how should we go about having our first… night together?? - Hidden Roomie 2

🙋‍♀️ : We get by with a little help from our friends.

Dating as a sexual minority can be difficult. Especially in more conservative societies there can always be some kind of risk. Many people prefer to start meeting potential partners through apps like tinder or bumble. These allow you the safety of anonymity, and an automatic understanding of sexual identity. There’s no need to stand at the bar and wonder, ‘is she flirting with me or is she just friendly?’.

After connecting with someone online you might decide to just be friends, but that opportunity alone will allow you to start building your ‘queer social circle’. You can potentially meet other queer friends through them, or be introduced to bars or clubs that other queer women go to. You can take it slow, dip your toes in the water, and start meeting open-minded people who will support you. Drag-shows are also a great place to meet lots of amazing, friendly, queer people.

The great thing about queer sex of any kind is that you get to make the rules. You get to decide together what ‘sex’ is for you. Maybe you just want to touch each other with your hands or your mouths. Maybe you like to experiment with penetration. Maybe you feel that you like to ‘give’ pleasure, while your partner likes to ‘receive’. Maybe you take turns. Maybe you would like to introduce different kinds of lube, vibrators, strap-ons. You can decided together and as long as you both consent, that’s sex! You win! Remember, sharing sex toys can spread STI’s and potentially cause a vaginal or urinary tract infection. Clean them between use or use a condom.

Check out the lesbian sex position recommendations in A Room of One’s Own for ideas and inspiration. 😉

자기는 '퀴어'인가요?

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 12

    이전에는 확실한 이성애자라고 생각했었는데 여러 경험을 겪고 나니 저는 퀴어라는 생각이 확실하게 들어요!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 13

    이번 컨텐츠 넘 좋아요! 퀴어 컨텐츠 많이 올려주세요❤️

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  • user thumbnale
    고운 목성

    25년을 이성애자라고 확신하며 살다가 우연히 헬스장에 갔다가 여자에게 반해서 지금 4년째 동거중! 사람 일은 장담할 수 없는 것 같아요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 17

    연애는 이성이랑만 하는데 종종 여자랑 관계를 맺는 일이 생기는듯 ..

  • user thumbnale
    동그란 카푸치노

    어… 성적 지향성이 바뀐다는 말은 좀 조심해주셔야 할 것 같아요. ‘동성애자들이 어린이들을 퀴어로 키우려고 한다’, ‘퀴어들을 치료하면 이성애자가 될 수 있다’ 등 성적 지향성이 변할 수 있다는 건 혐오자들이 주로 사용하는 논리거든요. 바뀐다기 보다는 타고난 성적 지향성을 경험을 통해 깨닫고, 라벨에 갇히기 보다는 행복을 추구하며 마음 가는대로 사는 것, 이런 표현이 더 적절한 것 같아요.

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 34

      그들이 사용하는 논리인 건 맞는데 나는 항상 발화자가 누구인지가 중요하다고 생각해! 워딩에 신중해야 하는 건 맞지만 여기 있는 사람들은 같은 워딩이라도 다른 맥락이라는 걸 잘 알 것 같아

  • deleteCommentdeleted.1
  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 18

    다양한 정보 얻기 좋네요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 19

    이해가 잘 되네요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 20

    이제야 이해가 되는 거 같네요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 21

    2n년간 이성애자인줄 알다가 어떤 여자한테 첫눈에 반해서 짝사랑중.. 남자한테 설렜던건 어쩌면 학습된 반응이었을지도 모르겠네요. 다들 본인의 지향성을 열어두시길!!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 22

    좋은 글 잘 읽었습니다! 저도 가능성을 열어두려구요😋

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 23

    다들 본인의 지향성을 열어두세요~~~ 저도 왜자꾸 남자가 끌리다가도 싫고 부담스럽고 내가 왜이러지 하면서 혼란스러워하다가 결국엔 제가 플루이드 혹은 바이라는 사실을 알았어요 밤잠설레게 할정도로 열병오르게 할정도로 너무 좋아하는 여자를 만났거든요ㅠㅠ

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 24

    내가 여자인데도 여자 좋아할수도 있구나

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 25

    여자랑 연애한 경험이 있는데, 귀엽게 연애하긴 했지만 사랑이라고 묻는다면 대답하기 힘들다... 딱히 설레는 감정을 느껴본 적이 없어서ㅠ 그렇다고 남자는 싫고... 무성애자려나?

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 26

    나도 지금껏 남자만 만나왔는데 여자한테 끌리기도 하고 진짜 내 스타일인 여자는 같이 자고싶단 생각도 함,,

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 27

    20년 살면서 남자랑 연애를 해본 적이 없었어요. 남자를 좋아한 적은 있지만 여자를 더 좋아했고 그분들과 연애를 했죠. 부모님은 그 연애들을 인정해 주지 않지만 어쩌겠어요. 전 바이섹슈얼로 지내면서 그분들을 사랑했던걸요. 이제는 다 소중한 제 삶에 한 부분이에요.

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 28

    첫 여친을 잊을수가 없네용..🥹

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 29

    좀더 나를 이해할수 있어요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 30

    이런 말이 생각납니다. “로미오는 우연히 남자였다.” 여자친구가 여자라서가 아닌 그 얘라서 좋아요💕

  • user thumbnale
    초록빛 자작나무

    남자랑 사귀고 1년도 못 가 헤어지기를 반복했는데 지금 여친이랑 2년을 향해 달려가는중...여자랑 사귀면서 느낀 건 '내가 너무 학습된 삶을 살아왔었구나' 였음. 여자끼리 사귀어도 큰일나는거 아님

  • user thumbnale
    초록빛 자작나무

    남자가 좋긴 좋은데 그 싸가지와 냄새와 오만함을 더는 견딜수가 없게됨

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 31

    퀴어 컨텐츠라니 사랑합니다 너무 좋아요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 32

    종종 퀴어이다는...대체 무슨 말인가요 제가 양성애자여서 그런지 딱히 기분이 썩 좋지는 않음😂

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 34

      어떤 지점에서 기분이 안 좋은지 알려줄 수 있을까? 나도 바이긴 한데 종종 퀴어라는 말이 너어무 마음에 들었어

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 33

    나는 지금까지 남자랑 사귀고 남자가 더 끌리는데 사실 첫사랑, 첫키스는 여자야

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  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 35

    저도 최근에 여자를 좋아하게 된 경험이 있어요. 좋은 사람이라 생각하고 적극적으로 대했는데 정신이 건강하지 못했던 사람이라 너무 힘들었던 기억으로 남겨졌네요.. 지금은 또 남자 만나고 있습니다

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 36

    오,, 😮

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 37

    이거 그냥 난 성별이 아니라 사람에 끌리는거야 이렇게 생각하면 좀 편함

연관 콘텐츠