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AROOO’s Secret Sex Counselling Service : How much masturbation is too much?

AROOO’s Secret Sex Counselling Service : How much masturbation is too much?

Today's Expert 'Avril Louise Clarke'

AROOO’s Secret Sex Counselling Service : How much masturbation is too much?

Hi Roomies, I’m Avril!

Introducing Avril Louise Clarke

A clinical sexologist currently based in Barcelona, Avril is an expert who helps people have better sex safely. As an educator, she often teaches teenagers, and as a counselor, she often works with couples.

The Best Person to Answer our Questions about Masturbation and Pornography.

Perhaps the most striking thing about Avril's entire career is her work in the Porn Industry. Avril works with world-famous director Erica Lust creating ethical pornography. When we explore pleasuring ourselves, when we have doubts about pornography, who can we trust more? So AROOO met up with Avril to get the low down.

We compiled some of our Roomie’s most common questions about masturbation and Avril gave us the answers!

Does anyone else feel like they’re addicted to masturbating? How many times do you do it a day, or a week? 😱😰 - Hidden Roomie1
How many times do you guys masturbate? I do it almost every night before bed… does that mean I’m addicted? I don’t have a partner now… but even when I do… I mean If I can’t sleep then… hahaha I wonder how many times everyone else does it… 🤔 - Hidden Roomie2
How many times a week does everyone masturbate? I don't usually do it, but around my period I feel like I do it everyday.. 😰 Am I doing it too much? - Hidden Roomie3

🙋‍♀️ : There is none. That's the best answer I can give.

I think a lot of this concern comes from the lack of sex education in the world today. I think that we need to normalize the topic and the practice of masturbation.

I think that as long as your masturbation practices aren't affecting your livelihood. Are you showing up for your friends, your family, for work, are you taking care of yourself? If the answers are yes, then that's okay.

There's no too much. There's no too little. Not masturbating is okay too. I think that when we talk about sex and in my studies and my practice there's a lot of concern of people not being sexual enough. And I say well that's fine. You don't have to have sex to be sexual. You don't have to masturbate every day or once a week or once a month to be a sexual person.

It's completely natural and common to masturbate three times a day, or to masturbate never. That's okay.

I want to reach orgasm too... I'm not used to masturbation and it just makes me feel kind of itchy, I'm so frustrated that I can't feel orgasm even though I'm turned on. How do you masturbate? Does anyone have some tips? - Full of Fireworks
I want to come from masturbation.. what should I do? I don’t really know how 😢 - Hidden Roomie1
Hi Roomies! It’s my first time here, and I’ve had this worry for I while so I wanted to post it… I want to masturbate so I watched videos and bought toys and tried everything but I still can’t reach orgasm 😢 How did you all learn how to masturbate?? - Hidden Roomie2

🙋‍♀️ : I would say that the best place to begin is just talking more about it.

I think that porn and masturbation you know are often these conversations that we kind of leave behind the closed doors. It's something that we don't talk about. We don't talk about it with our friends. We don't talk about it with our kids. We don't talk about it with family. We don't talk about it even with our partners. It’s this very unspoken thing that's actually huge! Porn makes up like a third of the internet.

I think that it's really great that ‘A Room of One’s Own’ is interested in wanting to talk about this. I think the more that we normalize and talk about porn and masturbation the more that we can feel more liberated about doing it, about using it, about really getting in touch with our sexuality, with our likes and our dislikes. And it's the best way to explore and understand your own body.

So explore your fantasies and explore your likes and dislikes. Stop and ask yourself “Is this something that turns me on? Is this something I would maybe want to try with myself or with a partner” and just get more comfortable talking about sex and talking about masturbation and talking about porn. Because the more you get comfortable with it, with talking about it with your best friend, then you will be more able to speak about it with a partner one day.

And that's our goal. We want to have pleasurable sexual relationships and just kind of getting over that hump will make you feel less shame. It will make you feel more confident and more comfortable with, I don't know, buying your first ethical porn subscription, buying your first sex toy, using lubrication in the bedroom, asking for more things in the bedroom, and just overall being a safer sexual citizen which is what we're all hoping for right?

Does everyone watch porn when they masturbate…? What kind do you watch? Sometimes imagination just isn’t enough but I kind find any porn for women? - Hidden Roomie1
Roomies.. What do you do when you want to masturbate? Do you want porn? I watch porn.. and I’ve been watching it since I was young. Some people can just use their imagination or read erotic novels. It’s not that I don’t like watching porn, but I think as I get older I start thinking about the commercialisation and exploitation.. Is there a better way? - Hidden Roomie2

🙋‍♀️ : I think people are seeking and searching for porn that feels good for them to support and to watch.

When I go to watch Jurassic Park I know who the director was, I know it’s Stephen Spielberg. I know who was the makeup artist. I can find out all of this information. I know who the production company is. Where they filmed it. I can look up and find out information about it… When I open up a free online porn site I look at it and it can be like “okay well this might really turn me on but who created this film…? does this girl or this person know that this film exists on the internet?”

And so for me ethical porn is the production. It's really important that everything we do is transparent, and that everyone is fairly paid. That everything we do is in the best production process we can provide. At Erika Lust Productions, having an intimacy coordinator on set, having a talent manager. making sure that we're having consent and boundary talks, that there's all of these things that make up the ethically produced part of this film. That being said you can't look at a film, at the final product, and decide if it was ethical or not. Because it's everything that goes on behind the scenes. And so that's really the best way to describe ethical porn.

I think that also when people hear about ethical porn... sometimes it gets conflated with other terms, Like feminist porn or porn for women. And I think sometimes maybe it's also the gender roles or the gender expectations. But they think it's going to be the soft and beautiful and erotic porn. But actually some of our porn is like so kinky and so hot, and some of it is really beautiful and soft. And I think we have also a lot of different brands within Erika Lust. I feel Like it allows people to kind of find the porn that most matches and aligns with their values which is really important to us.

A Message From Avril I'm really excited and I'm so happy to talk to you all! And I want to learn so much more about Korea and about anyone's questions that they have about sex and porn and masturbation, anything in between. I love love love hearing from people around the world. Find out more about Avril and her current projects here.

일주일에 자위를 ’n번’까지 해봤다!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 16

    나는 내가 자기전에 야한 생각을 하고 자거나 자위를 하거나 야한영상을 보는게 비윤리적이고 비도덕적이라고 생각했어ㅠㅠ 하고 나서 마음이 찜찜하다고 해야하나 죄 지은 느낌이었는데..ㅠㅠ 이 글과 댓글들이 넘 위로 받는다! 내가 이상한게 아니었구나 정상이구나 다들 그러며 살구나 평범한거구나 하면서 ㅠㅠ!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 17

    오르가즘에 중독돼서 스트레스를 자위로 푼 적이 있어요.. 미디어에 빠져서 저의 정신건강에는 좋지 않았던거 같아요 지금은 많이 나아졌어요 현실이 바쁘고 일정이 많아야 중독되지 않고 가끔 하고 싶을 때 자위 하는거 같아요! 뭐든 적당히가 좋습니다 ㅎㅎ 어렸을때는 뭣모르고 손가락으로 했다가 상처 나기도 하고 많이 어리숙 했네요.. 이런 앱도 생기고 감사해요ㅠㅠ 성인되서야 자위기구도 사보고 신세계를 경험... 개인적으로 기구 사용이 최고입니다..

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 18

    많이 하면 확실히 무뎌지긴 해요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 19

    자위는 뇌의 흥분에 더 관련이 깊은 것 같아용. 내가 어떤 것에 흥분하는지를 잘 생각하면서 하면 만지지 않고도 오르가즘 근처로 가더라고요.

  • user thumbnale
    투명한 소라

    자위 하는 강도도, 횟수도 스스로 좋을만큼 하면 된다고 생각해요:) 막 너무 격한 오르가즘이 와야해!! 하면서 할 필요도 없고(저는 그러면 늘 직후에 배가 아파서) 적당히 내가 기분좋다고 느끼는 만큼, 만족하는 만큼 하면되고, 횟수역시 너무 많아도 뭐 일상에 지장 안끼치고 내 몸에 무리 안갈만큼(너무 비벼서 따갑다던가...) 스스로 조절하면서 하면 딱 좋지요👍

  • user thumbnale
    투명한 소라

    에리카 러스트의 xconfessions...,메모... 좋은 추천 감사합니다:)

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 20

    이런 내용 정말 유익해요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 21

    대부분의 포르노가 남성의 시각에 맞춰 제작되다보니 편안하게 볼 수 있는게 거의 없어요ㅠ 그렇다고 성욕을 해결하기 위해 안 보기도 어렵고ㅠㅠ

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    숨어있는 자기 22


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 23

    잠들기 전에 한번씩 하다보니 이젠 자위를 해야 편하게 잠들고ㅜㅠ 이게 중독인가

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 25


  • deleteCommentdeleted.1
  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 24

    잠이안올때 일부러 하기도 해요..중독수준..

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 26

    오랜 기간 하다보니 느끼려면 이젠 너무 오래 자극을 해야 돼요 기분 좋으려고 하는 건데 과정이 길어서 지쳐요...

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 27

    자위나 성관계가 엄청 땡기는 시기 보면 거의 배란기였어요. 예전엔 손으로 클리 자위를 했었는데, 손도 아프고 감각도 무뎌지더라구요. 요즘엔 기구로 짧고 굵게 만족할 만큼만 합니다. 자위 텀이 길면 오르가즘이 더 확실히 오는 느낌이에요. 기구를 적극 추천드립니다,, 적응 기간이 좀 필요하긴 하지만, 차원이 다른 느낌이 옵니다 😄

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 28

    오래 자극해야하는게 익숙해지는게 좀 힘들다 ㅠㅠㅠ

  • user thumbnale
    너른 아기수달

    자위는 스트레스가 풀려요.. 일주일에 한 두번 ...?괜찮지않을까

  • user thumbnale
    입맞추는 사자

    너무 자주하면 좀 둔해지는거같아ㅜ

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 29

    저만 자위든 섹스든 하고나면 피로감이 덮치나요..? 할땐 좋은데, 하고나면 너무 피곤해요. 온몸이 헬쑥해지는 느낌처럼.. 저만 이런걸까요..?

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 30

      피로감은 잘 모르겠지만 만족하면 나른해지기는 하는 게 맞을 거에요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 30

    자위를 자주 하긴 하는데 쾌감이 낯설고 커서 오르가즘에 제대로 도달하기도 전에 멈춰버려요 아쉽더라고요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 31

    첫 자위개 고딩때였는데 그땐 기분이 좋고 호기심이 타오를때라 시도때도없이 생각 났던거 같아요. 그리고 성인이되고 너무 바빠서 잊고 살다가 반려기구를 산지 한. 2년 전? 부터 였는데 결론은 잘 산거 같아요! 지금은 예전처럼 시도때도 하진 않고 생리전? 그때가 가장 하고싶더라구요 저는. ㅎㅎ 첫 토이를 구매하고 굉장히 다양한 토이가 있다는걸 알고 실패 성공을 거듭해서 지금 몇개 가지고 있고 보통은 한달에 한번? 많이 하면 한달에 두번 하는것 같네요!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 32

    좋은 정보 감사합니다

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 33

    많이 했더니 감각이 더뎌져서 일주일 정도는 안 하다가 하는 게 좋은 것 같아 많이해서 무뎌지고 예민하게 만들지는 못하더라

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 34

    매일 습관적으로 자기 전에 하게 되는데 큰 문제 없는 거겠죠ㅜ

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 35

    자기 전에 매일 해요~

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 36

    윤리적 포르노는 처음 접하는 개념인 것 같아서 찾아보게 될 것 같아요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 37

    아... 일주일에;;; 난 또 글을 잘못봤어;;; 21번 잘못 눌렀어;;;

  • user thumbnale
    완전한 해달


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 38

    요즘은 너무 안 해서 괜찮은지 걱정이 되었는데 다행이네요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 39

    하루에 한번 ..

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 40

    자위를 자주해서 무뎌지니까 우울이 오는 게 아니라 우울한 상태를 자위로 주로 해결했던 건 아닌지 생각해 볼 필요가 있는 것 같아요

연관 콘텐츠