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17+ First Impression Test - Advanced Explanation

17+ First Impression Test - Advanced Explanation

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17+ First Impression Test - Advanced Explanation

A Room of One’s Own have ambitiously prepared this 17+ First Impression Test - Have you tried it?

If you haven’t taken the test yet Click here to try it out!

Which of the 16 types are you?

01. Sex satisfaction by type

1. Responsible flame   - 81% satisfied

2. Secretive Boss - 80% satisfied

3. Flexible tiger - 76% satisfied

4. Dedicated adventurer - 76% satisfied

5. Serious chess player - 75% satisfied

6. Open flying squirrel - 72% satisfied

7. Burning puffin - 72% satisfied

8. Bright Border Collie - 71% satisfied

9. Sea on a summers day - 71% satisfied

10. Giving Tree - 63% satisfied

11. Perverted scientist - 63% satisfied

12. Diligent nationa

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