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Kegel Exercises - Advanced

Kegel Exercises - Advanced

The Last Gateway to Becoming a Kegel master

Kegel Exercises - Advanced

👑 Feel the full strength of your pelvic floor muscles!

Have you developed a sense of coordinating your body and moving it efficiently through Kegel exercises? Now let’s use that sense to create an even greater energy.

Add some simple body movements while you are contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. It can be a little bit difficult, but it's nothing compared to the effect it's going to give.

▶️ Prepare to rise to the rank of 'Kegel Master'

Press ‘Start’ to begin exercising!

  • Make sure your bladder is empty.
  • You need to use the right muscles.

    Don’t tense your abdominal or butt muscles.

  • Don’t overdo it.

    Your body could get a surprise if you use mu

Kegel Exercises - Advanced

👑 Feel the full strength of your pelvic floor muscles!

Have you developed a sense of coordinating your body and moving it efficiently through Kegel exercises? Now let’s use that sense to create an even greater energy.

Add some simple body movements while you are contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. It can be a little bit difficult, but it's nothing compared to the effect it's going to give.

▶️ Prepare to rise to the rank of 'Kegel Master'

Press ‘Start’ to begin exercising!

  • Make sure your bladder is empty.
  • You need to use the right muscles.

    Don’t tense your abdominal or butt muscles.

  • Don’t overdo it.

    Your body could get a surprise if you use mu

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  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 1

    너무 조아욧!!!!

  • user thumbnale
    열려있는 오늘


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 2

    습관되니 아주 좋아요ㅎ.ㅎ

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 3


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 4

    계속 해봅시다

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 5

    굿. 계속 해봅니다 아쟈

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 6


  • user thumbnale
    새하얀 아기뱁새

    다리를 앉어서 어떻게 올리라는거예요??
