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Good News Tarot - My Hidden Ability I Need to Discover

Good News Tarot - My Hidden Ability I Need to Discover

Don't hide it anymore! Open your wings!

Good News Tarot - My Hidden Ability I Need to Discover

To be Continued : Serial Content with surprising news every time Beensent, a firm but friendly tarot reader, is here to sympathize with you. Even if you can't find a clear answer, you can prepare for that less lonely and less hopeless day that’s coming soon.

Hello Roomies, Beensent here.

I remember being a child watching animations and imagining what it would be like if I had that kind of ability. I would then become disappointed in myself for not having any superpowers.

When I became an adult, what I needed in my life was not a superpower that could help me to save the world. Speaking better than others, reading faster, or havi

Good News Tarot - My Hidden Ability I Need to Discover

To be Continued : Serial Content with surprising news every time Beensent, a firm but friendly tarot reader, is here to sympathize with you. Even if you can't find a clear answer, you can prepare for that less lonely and less hopeless day that’s coming soon.

Hello Roomies, Beensent here.

I remember being a child watching animations and imagining what it would be like if I had that kind of ability. I would then become disappointed in myself for not having any superpowers.

When I became an adult, what I needed in my life was not a superpower that could help me to save the world. Speaking better than others, reading faster, or havi

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자랑하고 싶은 나만의 능력 하나씩 말하고 가기!

내 최고의 능력…

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    요즘 편지

    공감능력. 타인의 감정을 금방 느껴요.

  • user thumbnale
    자유로운 손깍지

    나는 내가 능력있는 사람임을 알고있어요. 나의 가치를 알아요.

  • user thumbnale
    발전하는 귤

    투철한 도전정신! 사업하고싶었는데 바로 시작해여갰 어여😆

  • user thumbnale
    스르륵 숨결

    넓은시야 맞는거같아야ㅎㅎ

  • user thumbnale
    열려있는 산타

    너무 잘맞는게.. 제가 선택한 거 빼고 나머지는 진짜 자신 없는 것들이네요..

  • user thumbnale
    아름다운 샛바람

    오>< 선택을 잘한다! 내심 느끼고있던 거였어요 흐흐 감사합니다❣️

  • user thumbnale
    달려가는 올리브유

    넓은 시야!

  • user thumbnale
    달려가는 올리브유

    넓은 시야!

  • user thumbnale
    우리의 메아리

    마음에 피가나고 뼈를 깎는 노력을 했어요. 누구도 나에게 가르쳐주지 않았던 것을 삶을 통해서 가혹하게 배웠어요. 다행히 그 노력이 지금의 저를 만들어와 사람들에게 높은 기대를 주고 호감을 받는 사람이란 위로의 말을 들으니 잘 살아왔단 생각이 드네요! :)

  • user thumbnale
    깨끗한 사막여우

    와 근데 진짜 잘 맞는디

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    숨어있는 자기 1

    제발 그랫으면..
