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Good News Tarot - My Romance Starts in *?* Days

Good News Tarot - My Romance Starts in *?* Days

Who will I meet and what kind of love will I have?

Good News Tarot - My Romance Starts in *?* Days

To be Continued : Serial Content with surprising news every time Beensent, a firm but friendly tarot reader, is here to sympathize with you. Even if you can't find a clear answer, you can prepare for that less lonely and less hopeless day that’s coming soon.

Hello Roomies, Beensent here.

Now is the time that notifications start to come in about how the first half of 2022 has passed. I don’t know why time flies so fast when it feels like I haven’t done anything. How are you spending your hot summer? I'm just trying to somehow survive in the heat.

When I conduct tarot counselling, the most frequently asked question is, "When can I date som

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