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It’s not a compliment. It's sexual harassment



A young woman walks down the street. Overflowing with the excitement of a backpacking adventure, she seems fresh and brave as she heads out into the world. “Hey, you’re beautiful!” a voice calls out to her from the foreign lands, and she laughs brightly as she responds “thank you~”. This familiar scene, taken from any number of stories, any number of films, can draw a range of responses from audiences. Perhaps the most important being “is it a compliment? or is it sexual harassment?”

It’s not a Compliment

🐱 + Calling

Catcalling refers to the act of making sexual remarks or overtures to strangers in public. It can include sexualizing the other person by referring to a specific body part, whistling, or pretending to compliment. In some cases, it can include physical contact such as grabbing someone’s hands, hair or even their butt.

Someone unfamiliar with catcalling might mistake the act as a compliment. But if you look closer at the intention and the result you can see the difference. While a compliment may be shared between two people, catcalling is an act of objectification, positing the receiver as something to be evaluated.

Streets lined with Catcalling

In a 2015 study of 16,600 women in 22 countries around the world, more than half stated that they had been sexually harassed on the streets, including catcalling. 84% of women responded that they had been catcalled before they reached adulthood.

90% of British women, and 81% of Polish women, reported being catcalled before the age of 17. 88% of Italian women described choosing certain routes and taking certain streets in order to avoid being catcalled.

64% of Irish women stated that beyond indirect acts such as starting conversation or whistling for attention, they had also experienced unwanted physical contact.

In 2014 an experiment in New York City, U.S.A., caused outrage around the world.

The experiment was simple. For 10 hours, a young actress walked the streets of downtown New York. That was it. The results were remarkable.

As she went along her way without saying a word, she was met with a stream of calls and statements disguised as praise. “Hey baby”, “sexy, damn” and “what’s up beautiful, have a good day”. An unknown man even walked beside her for five minutes after she did not return his attention. Another man shouted at her as she walked by, “someone’s acknowledging you for being beautiful. You should say thankyou more often”.

That man is wrong. No one is obligated to thank strangers for an assessment they didn’t ask for. It doesn’t matter if the evaluation was a positive one or a negative one. The man indulged in the act like it was a sport, with her as a sexual object in the center.

Are East Asian Countries Immune?

Many people consider catcalling to be rare in traditionally conservative countries, especially far eastern countries such as China, South Korea and Japan. However not even women in these countries are free from street harassment.

In November 2020, a man in his 40s began to regularly appear outside a busy subway station in Seoul making obscene or sexually harassing remarks to women walking past in the morning. The man pretended to be speaking on the phone as he followed behind women commenting on their appearance and describing his sexual experiences. Women in the area came under extreme stress and feared encountering the man on their way to work.

The man was eventually arrested, though eventually received only a ₩50,000 (around $35 USD) fine for ‘creating anxiety’ under the Korean Minor Crimes Penalty Act.

Is Ignoring it the Answer?

When facing street harassment many people choose to ignore the behavior, write the perpetrators off as rude people and continue on. From an individual perspective this course of action can be seen as safer. The simple matter of fact is that one never knows how the perpetrator react.

But does ignoring catcalling really guarantee safety?

in November of 2019, a man killed a 19 year old college student in Chicago, U.S.A. for ignoring his catcall. When questioned about the motive for his crime, Donald Thurman, 26, replied he was angry he was being ignored.

The hurt pride resulted in the loss of an innocent woman’s life.

Society can no longer place the risk and responsibility for dealing with street harassment on the victims. The time has come for legislative legal action against this behavior, which is not simply rudeness but a threat.

Catcalling Laws around the World

Catcalling has long been considered socially acceptable under the excuse of familiarity, compliments and positive intentions. However, there are growing calls for changing social perception of catcalling and legal sanctions.

Many countries around the world do not yet have legislation specifically related to street harassment, and may rely on sexual harassment or nuisance laws to punish offenders if at all.

Let’s look at how some countries are attempting to fight back against catcalling.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium

Sexual harassment and catcalling were outlawed in 2014 after a documentary spurred national conversation. Violation of the law is punishable by a fine or up to one year in prison.

  • 🇵🇹Portugal

Since August 2015, sexually harassing women on the street in Portugal is illegal. Offenders can face up to a year in prison or, if the victim is under 14 years of age, up to 3 years.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand

Causing fear or intimidation to others by using threatening, insulting or obscene language can be fined up to $1,000 NZD (around $589 USD) under the New Zealand Summary Offences Act.

  • 🇫🇷France

Since 2018 French authorities can fine anyone harassing women in public with on-the-spot fines of up to €750 (around $839 USD).


It was a normal day for college student Noa Jansma, when she decided that she didn’t want to just accept the catcalling she was facing everyday. She wanted to share with the world just how bad the problem was.

Instead of getting angry or running away, she held up her smartphone, turned the camera around and took a selfie. The picture showed both her face, unamused and unsmiling, with that of the perpetrator.

Noa created an instagram account called ‘dearcatcallers’, and uploaded a total of 21 photos in one month, from August 29th to October 1st in 2017. She captioned the photos with the actions and remarks made at the time.

The men whistled, put their hands on her shoulders or pulled on her hair, shouting things like, "You wanna kiss?" and "heey horny girl!" The 21 photo’s all featured different men, sometimes groups of men who had sexually harassed her.

Her post has hundreds of thousands of comments. People shared their own experiences and joined the #dearcatcallers movement on social media.

Her project cause a huge stir in the world, as people’s eyes were opened to the issue of catcalling.


  • No matter how you package it, Catcalling isn’t a compliment is sexual harassment
  • Society needs both a change in understanding and a change in laws regarding catcalling
지하철에서 모르는 사람이 "예쁘다"라고 말했다. 나는?

칭찬을 가장한 캣콜링을 경험한 적이

  • user thumbnale
    나만아는 올리브유

    대상이 아닌 주체로!

  • user thumbnale
    별이뜨는 일곱약속

    기분 나쁘더라고요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 5


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 6

    예쁘다고 하면 좋긴 좋은데.. 상황에 따라 다른건 인정!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 7

    바라지도 않는 평가 들으면 너무 싫어요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 8

    ㅋ.. 알바하는데서 자꾸 예쁘다는데... 안물안궁

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 9

    제발 신경꺼!!

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 10

    지하철에서 애기가 예쁘다고 하는거 아니면 다 안돼!!!!!

  • user thumbnale
    꿈같은 열쇠

    가장 강렬한 기억이 중학생 즈음이라, 10년도 더 넘긴 하지만 전철에서 교복 입은 몸을 끈적한 눈빛으로 훑어대며 혀를 '쯔쯧' 차고는, 이제 막 굴곡이 생기고 있는 내 몸이 무슨 큰 죄라도 지은 양 고개를 절레절레 주위에 있는 사람들은 아무도 도와주지 않는 게 당연한 분위기였고, (또 생각해 보면 더 열받게 그런 상황들은 늘 보호자가 없을 때네요.) 몸매가 드러나게 입은 제 잘못 같아 아무에게도 말 못 했었죠. 그 시절 한국식 캣 콜링..? 비난 가득한 ‘쯔쯧’ + 성희롱이 한 세트였어서 그런지 외국영화에서 남자들이 휘파람을 불고 ‘예쁘다’ '아름답다' 칭찬하는 게 문제라고 인식을 못 했던 거 같아요. 😱

  • user thumbnale
    엄청난 북극여우

    지들이 칭찬하는 게 대단한 일이라도 되는 양... 정말 싫어요!

  • user thumbnale
    활짝 오로라

    저는 버스정류장에 짧은 쉬폰 점프수트를 입고 앉아있었는데 외국인들이 차를 타고 지나가면서 휘파람을 불었어요. 왠지 기분나쁘단 생각을 했는데 그것도 캣콜링이었군요ㅠ

  • user thumbnale
    사랑담은 금귤


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 11

    예쁘다고도 하지 마.. 왜인지 모르겠는데 언제부턴가 기분이 나쁘더라고요ㅠ

  • user thumbnale
    덕분에 송송이

    당신들한테 예쁘다는 평가를 듣고 기분 좋을 이유가 없잖아 예쁜 사람은 알아 본인 스스로가 얼마나 예쁜지 그니까 요망한 주둥이 털지말고 그냥 고어웨이 하라구

  • user thumbnale
    마성의 목소리


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 12

    오우… 캣콜링이 굉장히 종류가 다양하군용

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 13


  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 14

    엄마 심부름 갔다가 돌아오는 갈에 신호등 대기하는 중인데(뚜벅이) 옆에 어떤 할아버지께서 아휴 그냥 옆에 화장 진한 언니와 비교하며 누구의 얼굴은 어떤데 너는 화장 안 하고 아주 어여쁘다며 머리를 쓰담으려고 하셨는데 진짜 소름,,,,모르는 할아버지 왜 그러세요 진짜

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 15

    엄마랑 같이 산책하고 있는데 외노자로 보이는 남자들이 단체로 소리치고 휘파람 분 적 있어요 그때 여름이라 핫팬츠에 붙는 반팔 입고 있었는데 그전에도 치마나 반바지 입으면 뚫어져라 쳐다보는 사람들이나 휘파람 부는 남자들 종종 있었지만 그렇게 부모랑 있는데 단체로 그 짓거리하는 거 보고 너무 화나서 그 후로 반바지나 치마를 입은 기억은 없어요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 16

    필리핀 보라카이 굉장히 심합니다… 가서 기분 잡쳤어요 그래서

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 17

    한국도 좀 구체적인 처벌법이 나왔으면 좋겠어요😢

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 18

    여자가 예쁘다고 하면 믿을만하지

  • user thumbnale
    못말리는 야옹이

    이걸 짚어서 알려줘야 한다니............. 놀랍다 놀라워......

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 19

    초등학교 4학년 때 해외여행 가서 캣콜링 당함 중고등학생 무리가 나한테 윙크하면서 hey, ooh 이러는 놈도 있었고 혓바닥을 내밀면서 윙크를 하는 놈도 있었음 그 때 너무 수치스러웠고 그 놈들 다 패버리고 싶었음

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 20

    뉴욕에서 살다왔는데 진짜 지겹도록 들었다;;;; 헤이뷰티풀 헤이쇼리 골져스 나이스애스 등등;; 심지어 부시윅에 친구 만나러 갔는데 어떤 흑인하나는 아시안이 그렇게 타이트하다던데 나랑 데이트할래? 라고도 물어봄

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 21

    부산 맥날에서 외국인한테 당했는데 기분 뭐 같았음… 주변에선 칭찬아냐? 이러는데 뉘앙스가 딱 어찌해보려는 속셈이 넘 보였다…진짜 뭐 좋은 해결방법 없나..ㅠ

  • user thumbnale
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  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 23

    너 뭐돼..?

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 24

    ㅋ 진짜 맘같아선 벽돌로 그냥 콱 찍어버리고 싶다니까

    • user thumbnale
      미지근한 단비

      벽돌 좋다요 연장도 괜찮겠다 후.. 열받아

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 25

    아저씨들 카페에서 단체로 나 쳐다보는 시선 느껴질 때 지하철에서 힐끔힐끔 쳐다볼 때 진짜 열 받음 일.절 . 안 쳐다보고 자리 피할 수 있으면 피하거나. 그냥 아무 대꾸 안 하는 태도 보임 투명인간 취급 ㅎㅎ 피해의식, 오바떠는것처럼 느껴질 수도 있지만 내가 나를 지키는 방법 중 하나라고 생각합니다!! 나만 감으로 느껴지나 …. 그 뭔가 이상한 시선 ㅠㅠㅠ 옷 엄청 야하게 입는 편도 아님 과하지 않은 크롭만 입는 정도. 본문 나와있는 정도로 말로 들으면 진짜…너무 열받을 것 같다 ㅜㅜ

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