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Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Fighting back against sexual harassment!

Sexual Harassment in the Work Place


Over 122 countries around the world prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace, and many require businesses to undergo specific anti-harassment training. While generational shifts have welcomed more and more educated women into the workforce, the fight against work place harassment has not ended. In fact worldwide, statistics regarding experiences of sexual harassment are largely the same as they were in the 60’s. Let’s explore what sexual harassment could look like today and how we can fight back against it.

The Workplace is for Work

What is sexual harassment at work? Sexual harassment can encompass a range of behaviours and practices of a sexual nature, such as unwanted sexual comments or advances, “jokes”, displaying pictures or posters objectifying women, physical contact or sexual assault. - International Labour Organization Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention 1958 (No. 111)

Are Women Safe at Work?

We’re going to look at the sexual harassment survey released by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of South Korea in 2018. The survey involved employees of public institutions and private businesses with 30 or more full-time workers, 2,040 general employees of public institutions and 7,264 general employees of private businesses. These results may be reflected in studies in your own country.

📊 Actual state of sexual harassment in the workplace

▶︎ 고용 형태에 따른 피해 경험은 비정규직(9.9%)이 정규직(7.9%)보다 높게 나타났다.

▶︎ 성희롱 유형은 외모에 대한 성적 비유・평가(5.3%), 음담패설(3.4%), 회식자리서 술 따르거나 옆자리 강요(2.7%) 순으로 높게 나타났다.

▶︎ 성희롱 발생 장소는 대부분 회식장소(43.7%)와 사무실(36.8%)’이었다.

▶︎ 성희롱 피해자들은 대부분(81.6%) 피해에 대처하지 않고 ‘참고 넘어갔다’고 응답했다. 그 이유로는 ‘큰 문제라고 생각하지 않아서’(49.7%)와 ‘문제를 제기해도 해결될 것 같지 않아서’(31.8%)가 가장 높았다.

▶︎ The percentage of respondents who experienced sexual harassment at least once during their three-year tenure was 8.1%.

▶︎ The most common rank of the sexual harassment perpetrators was found to be 'upper' (61.1%), followed by 'equal' (21.2%).

▶︎ Most of the sexual harassment perpetrators were male (83.6%).

▶︎ Reports of sexual harassment damage by workplace were higher in public institutions (16.6%) than in private businesses (6.5%).

▶︎ The experience of sexual harassment by age was in the order of under-20s (12.3%), 30s (10.0%), 40s (6.0%), and 50s and older (5.0%), with the younger the age, the more likely they experienced victimisation.

▶︎ The experience of damage caused by employment type was higher in non-regular workers (9.9%) than regular workers (7.9%).

▶︎ Sexual harassment types reported included sexual comparison and evaluation (5.3%), obscene rumors (3.4%), and forced to pour them alcohol or sit next to them (2.7%).

▶︎ Most of the places where sexual harassment occurred were company dinners (43.7%) and in the office (36.8%).

▶︎ Most (81.6%) of the victims of sexual harassment responded that they "put up with it" without dealing with the harassment. The reasons for this were "I don't think it's a big problem" (49.7%) and "I don't think it'll be solved even if I raise the problem" (31.8%).

How to Deal with Work Place Sexual Harassment

The reason why it is difficult to directly address sexual harassment in the workplace is that it is directly connected to livelihood. Many victims are concerned about losing their job if they report their experiences, especially if the perpetrator is a supervisor or senior employee. Cultures of silence leave victims feeling unsupported and isolated, but speaking up is the only way to ensure change.

Then, what should we do when we are sexually harassed by our superiors or colleagues in the workplace?

  • Clearly indicate rejection

    Make clear your refusal, that you find the behaviour inappropriate. It is also a good idea to document the contents containing the rejection to the other party so that it can be used as evidence later.

  • Save any evidence

    In case of any legal situations later, record the date, time, place, specific damages, witnesses or their testimonies, and your feelings after any harassment experiences in detail.

  • Keep a copy of your business performance

    In the event of a legal problem, the other party may take issue with the victim's ability or performance at work, so keep a record of your duties and accomplishments to refute any claims.

  • Report to HR or the business owner

    The provision of safe and effective complaint and dispute resolution mechanisms is a part of every business or organizations duty as an employer. Check your workplace’s suggested channels for reporting, but if necessary don’t be afraid to go above them to ensure fair treatment.

Where you can go for Help - Equal Rights Advocates https://www.equalrights.org/ - U.S.A Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 📞 1-800-669-4000 - Korean Sexual Violence Crisis Center 📞 02-883-9284 - UK ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) Helpline 📞 0300 123 1100 - Australian Human Rights Commission 📞 1300 656 419

Active intervention as a Third-Party Bystander

It’s the infamous manager in the office. Always making sexual jokes, flirting with the young employees. Everyone knows who it is, but no one says anything. Maybe they warn the new employee’s not to be alone with them. Maybe they brush it off as a joke. But no one ever says to their face to stop, that it’s wrong. The higher the managers seniority, the stronger the silence.

The more bystanders remain silent and allow this kind of culture to continue, the work these kind of working environments seem ‘normal’. And unfortunately, sexual assault is much more likely to occur in these environments.

A study conducted in the U.S. emphasized the need for bystander intervention education, saying that sexual harassment in the workplace thrives more on the back of a pervasive atmosphere of tolerance and a culture of silence. Educating those who remain on the sidelines on how to recognize sexual harassment in the workplace, intervene in cases, and empathize with victims can improve gender sensitivity and attitude, as well as prevent sexual harassment by interfering before sexual harassment occurs.

In one surveys results, 61.5% of witnesses to workplace sexual harassment stated that they had ‘done nothing in particular’. If just 10% of that 61.5% has stood on the side of the victim, perhaps the situation today would be different.


  • Familiarize yourself with how to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace and firmly refuse any inappropriate behavior
  • Education for bystanders to sexual harassment in the workplace is needed to change the culture of silence
  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 1

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  • user thumbnale
    믿음직한 여백

    고민있는 콘텐츠 잘 보고 있습니다. 한가지, 커버 일러스트에 범죄자를 악당스럽게 묘사해놓은 것이 걸려요. 현실 범죄 속 범죄자의 이미지는 무시무시하지 않은 경우도 많기에.. 늘 적확하게 지식을 전달하고자 하신 의지에 응원의 마음 전합니다.

  • user thumbnale
    열려있는 산타

    제가 이렇게 이해한게 맞을지 모르겠어요. 연령별 성희롱 피해 경험 수치는 '어릴수록 위험이 높다'보다 '과거보다 젊은이들 인식이 바로잡혔다' 정도를 의미이지 않을까 싶어요. 30-50대분들도 20대 시기가 있었으니 '근1년사이 피해입은 적'과 같은 단서가 있는게 아니면 연령이 올라갈수록 경험 횟수가 누적되는게 자연스러워 보여서요.

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 2

    익명보장이 안돼서 성희롱으로 신고하는 피해자의 70%이상이 퇴사를 선택한다고 하죠.. 여성을 보호할 수 있는 더 나은 방법이 연구되면 좋겠어요 좋은 환경에서 대학 나온 여자들이 많아진지 십년쯤 됐나, 짧은 기간에 직장내 환경 바뀐게 많이 없네요

  • user thumbnale
    반전있는 쉼표

    애매하게 외모 칭찬하고 코성형했냐고 예뻐서 물어봤다고 지인이 들려준 이야기, 스무살 초반 동생에게 그래서 연애는 해봤고? 주변 사람이 무표정 지으니까 이런 것도 실례냐고 물어보는데, 휴.. 사람(여성)마다 반응이 달라서 또 어떻게 대해야 할지 모르겠어요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 3

    저는 여자가 소수인 집단에 있는데요. 누군가가 도와준다고 손을 내밀어도 제도적인 한계가 있더라구요

    • user thumbnale
      가을저녁 벌새

      아.. 남초회사 다니시는구나... 남초회사 정말 힘들죠... 특히 남자가 여자보다 압도적으로 많은 집단은 그들만의 이상한 문화나 분위기가 꽉 잡혀있어서 이성이 함께 어울리기엔 상당히 폐쇄적이고 배려가 없는 분위기...

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