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The Reason you Don’t Want to do Anything in Winter

The Reason you Don’t Want to do Anything in Winter

Is it terminal? No!

The Reason you Don’t Want to do Anything in Winter


Winter is a season full of boisterous parties, festivals, and holidays, but it is not just full of happy times. Unprovoked depression, lethargy, and emptiness also come with winter. Do you feel down and lose efficiency whenever it gets cold? Your not alone. Winter can be that kind of season. But if the depression continues to deepen and doesn't leave, you have to find a way to kick it out.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that repeatedly appears and disappears with a specific season. Most people develop symptoms in winter and recover naturally in the spring. Sometimes some people experience the opposite pattern, but here were going to look at the much more common 'winter type' seasonal depression.

Winter is Coming

Seasonal Affective Disorder has distinctions that make it different to general depression. If you note some of the following changes in yourself during the winter months you might suspect you are suffering from ‘SAD’, and not just the blues.

Should you see a doctor? 1. If you experience symptoms for more than 2 weeks, 2. and these are impacting your daily life, try seeing a psychologist for treatment
If you see a doctor? You can talk about your mood, lifestyle, eating habits, sleep patterns, and changes in body and mind according to the season. The more clearly you can express your symptoms, the higher the accuracy of diagnosis, so you can be treated quickly. Antidepressants, light therapy, vitamin D, and counselling are the main treatments.

A More Dangerous Season for Women

What is the reason seasonal affective disorder appears? Researchers speculate it’s because of a ‘lack of sunlight’.

As the amount of daylight shortens in winter, the amount of time spent in darkness, or artificial light, increases. The logic is that as this happens, part of the brain, called the hypothalamus, doesn’t work properly, resulting in unstable hormone levels, like serotonin and melatonin, and difficulty in mood, appetite, and sleep.

There is some bad news too. Women experience seasonal affective disorder four times more than men. This is because the female sex hormone "estrogen" can affect serotonin. In particular, women between the ages of 18 and 30 are the most vulnerable. If you are within this age group, you may feel more uncomfortable with the change of seasons, even if you do not need medical treatment.

Three things you can do right now

Try some simple methods to break down the early symptom of seasonal affective disorder, lethargy.

❶ Recharge in the sun

This might seem obvious but it’s the most fundamental solution. Taking a half hour walk in the middle of the day can have an amazing effect. I know, I know, it's cold, my room is so nice, I’m busy, there's no place to walk... If you have a lot of excuses, try to find a compromise. A small change like moving your desk to in front of the window is fine. It is also good to chat with your friends at a café with nice big glass windows. Wherever you are, try to consciously search for sunlight!

❷ Eat healthily

Stay away from sugars and carbohydrates. Don't overeat. Have your meals at regular hours. You only have to remember these three things.

❸ Talk about it

It is important not to ignore or suppress the helplessness, frustration and sadness you feel now. You don't have to consult an expert right away. Try sharing your feelings with reliable and comfortable people and get their opinions. They may be able to remove the 'denial filter' that blocks your eyes.


  • That heavy, lethargic feeling you get in winter? Might not just be a feeling
  • Pay attention to your body and mind, to spend that cold quarter of the year healthily
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    작년까지 겨울마다 너무 우울하고 무기력해졌는데 이번 겨울은 좀 달라요!! 여름에 운동을 많이해서 그런가? 기분이 좋아요

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    숨어있는 자기 5

    겨울에 남자칭구랑 돌아댕기면 따수워질 것 같아요~ 사계절이 다 좋아질슈도~☃️❄️

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    숨어있는 자기 6

    진짜 확실하게 맑은 날과 흐린 날 기분차이가 나요.. 아무래도 겨울에 흐린 날이 많아서 더 우울한 날이 많은 것 같네요. 햇빛 충전 꼭 해야겠어요!!!

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    숨어있는 자기 6

    진짜 확실하게 맑은 날과 흐린 날 기분차이가 나요.. 아무래도 겨울에 흐린 날이 많아서 더 우울한 날이 많은 것 같네요. 햇빛 충전 꼭 해야겠어요!!!

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    숨어있는 자기 7

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    숨어있는 자기 8

    우울하면 아무것도 하고 싶지가 않다

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    난 특이하게 가을쯤 점점 활력있어지고 겨울에 정점이었다 다시 봄이오고 날이 따뜻해지면퓨몸도 무거워지고 무기력해지더라ㅠㅠ 지금 계절성 우울증 증상들 다시 나오는중ㅠㅠㅠ

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    숨어있는 자기 12

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    숨어있는 자기 12

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    숨어있는 자기 18

    집순이라 그런가 난 겨울이 최고로 좋은데.. 창문 열어도 벌레 안들어오고 밖은 추운데 안에서 이불 덮으면 뜨끈하고 너무 행복해

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