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My Exploration of Menstrual Products - Test for the Perfect Product

My Exploration of Menstrual Products - Test for the Perfect Product

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My Exploration of Menstrual Products - Test for the Perfect Product

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. Myoungwon Na tells you an interesting story...
To be continued In this series, we review various menstrual products one by one. Available when you need it — Menstrual info kit

This series introduced five types of menstrual products(Disposable pads, cloth pads, tampons, menstrual cups and period underwear) widely used. Some of you may be wondering after reading this far.

“Ok, so which one should I be using?”

So! I have prepared a simple self-diagnosis test to help you choose the right product. Answer O or X depending on your circumstances or preferences to get a recommendation for the right menstrual product for you. Furthermore, there will be a summary of who each menstrual product is recommended for. I recommend examining the summary of each menstrual product below if you’re not satisfied with the test.

Summary of the 5 Types of Menstrual Products

1. Disposable Menstrual Pads

Pads made of paper and absorbent material that stick to your underwear to soak up the blood. It is most widely used since it is easily accessible and easy to use.

👌 Recommended for these people!

  • People who value having a variety of options such as different sizes, shapes, and brands
  • Need a product that can be purchased anywhere when needed
  • Looking for a product with low initial cost, travel-friendly, and easy to change
  • Want to use a verified product that’s easy to use rather than trying new menstrual products

Not recommended for these people!

  • Detest the feeling of dampness or blood clots
  • Frequently enjoy swimming and underwater activities
  • Uncomfortable with complex and difficult materials
  • Experienced worsening of menstrual pain when using disposable menstrual pads

TIP for using disposable menstrual pads

If you have a heavy menstrual flow or are active, try waterproof underwear with the pads instead of regular underwear. Even if the blood leaks from the pad, the waterproof underwear will block the leakage and prevent staining on your clothes or bedding. “Overnight underwear pads” are also a good choice which you can wear like regular underwear.

2. Cloth menstrual pads

Cloth pads are a menstrual product you can secure around your underwear to absorb menstrual blood that can be washed and reused. They are usually secured using a snap button on the wings. It has suddenly risen as a replacement after controversy around hazardous substances in menstrual pads.

👌 Recommended for these people!

  • Prefer reusable products for the environment
  • Want to use a menstrual product with the lowest cost in the long run
  • Want to remove hazardous substances as much as possible by boil-washing
  • Want to try making their own menstrual products

Not recommended for these people!

  • Detest the feeling of dampness or blood clots
  • Unable to invest in the initial cost
  • Have a heavy menstrual flow and very active lifestyle, such as regularly exercising
  • Unable to wash menstrual pads due to their environment or lack of time etc.

TIP for using cloth menstrual pads

Just like disposable menstrual pads, using cloth menstrual pads with waterproof underwear instead of regular underwear can prevent blood from staining your clothes or your bedding, even if blood leaks from the pad. It’s also a safe bet to replace your underwear with menstrual underwear if you have the budget.

3. Tampons

Tampons are made of an absorbent material that can be inserted into your vagina to soak up blood. There’s no need to worry about leaks until it's fully saturated and you're free to do physical activities.

👌 Recommended for these people!

  • Want to completely forget about menstruation while using a menstrual product
  • Active people or people who often do activities in or around water
  • Looking for a menstrual product that’s widely available and easy to replace
  • Want to try an insertable menstrual product with lower difficulty than a menstrual cup

Not recommended for these people!

  • Have experienced toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
  • Find inserting a menstrual product into the vagina off-putting
  • Are in an environment in which menstrual products can't be frequently changed
  • Have a menstrual pattern of heavy menstrual flow in a short period of time

TIP for using tampons

Try using non-applicator tampons if you do not like creating plastic waste every time you use a tampon due to the plastic applicators and you have experience using tampons. These tampons can be inserted by pushing from the base using your finger. There are also tampons with applicators made of pulp-based material instead of plastic. Try using a small menstrual pad (i.e., pantyliners), waterproof underwear that blocks menstrual blood, or menstrual underwear that absorbs menstrual blood with tampons if you’re worried about leaking once the product has been fully saturated.

4. Menstrual cups

These are cups made of flexible materials that are inserted into the vagina to catch and collect the blood flow. There’s no need to worry about leaks until it's fully saturated and you're free to do physical activities.

👌 Recommended for these people!

  • Want to completely forget about menstruation while using a menstrual product
  • Active people or people who often do activities in or around water
  • Those who have a heavy menstrual flow
  • People who want to better examine their menstrual pattern

Not recommended for these people!

  • Have experienced toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
  • Find inserting the menstrual product into the vagina off-putting
  • Unable to regularly cut their nails short or those who enjoy having nail art
  • Don’t have the time, place, or budget to attempt menstrual cups or find the upfront cost too high

TIP for using the menstrual cups If using a menstrual cup with a large capacity is difficult due to having a short vagina or if you’re worried about the menstrual cup leaking before replacing it due to heavy menstrual flow in a short period of time, try using menstrual underwear in addition to the cup. Sleeping for 12 hours while using both the menstrual cup and menstrual underwear won't be a problem for heavy flows in the first two days of your period.

Consider using a menstrual cup that is less flexible or “a menstrual disc” if you feel pressure on the bladder or have to frequently urinate when using the menstrual cup due to a sensitive bladder.

What is a menstrual disc? It is similar to menstrual cups in that they’re inserted into the vagina and collect blood, but the upper ring part of the disc rests on the pubic bone. The part of the disc that collects blood is a thin and soft bag that does not place pressure on the vaginal walls. Most of the discs are disposable but reusable discs have been released recently. Unlike the menstrual cup, some menstrual discs can be used when having penetrative sex during menstruation (But always use a condom!).

5. Menstrual underwear

You can wear these like your regular underwear and the special fabric on the inner side absorbs and blocks the blood. You do not need to worry about leaks until it becomes full since it’s like underwear.

👌 Recommended for these people!

  • Very active and seeks comfort
  • Does not like the thickness of having disposable or cloth menstrual pads secured on their underwear
  • Looking for a menstrual product that’s easy to wear and replace
  • Looking for a menstrual product to use as a supplement with an insertable menstrual product.

Not recommended for these people!

  • Detest the feeling of dampness or blood clots
  • Don’t want to spend too much money or don't have a high budget for menstrual products
  • Have heavy menstrual flow and looking for a product that can be used alone
  • Unable to wash the menstrual underwear or find the long drying time off-putting

TIP for using menstrual underwear The website of Thinx, the menstrual underwear manufacturer, provide a test that tells you which of their product to use based on your menstrual flow, duration, and your current menstrual product. The test also gives you realistic advice on whether to primarily use menstrual underwear or use it as a supplement. I recommend trying the test before deciding to purchase menstrual underwear. Of course, you do not need to purchase their products just because you took their test.

Since each product type has different characteristics and strengths, it’s impossible to pick one for you to use. But I can assure you that menstruation will become a more peaceful experience by using and picking a menstrual product after examining yourself and your menstruation and thinking about which features or strengths you need.

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