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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Checklist

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Checklist

Look to your family first...?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Checklist

Quick, Fast and Easy Answers. For more information on PCOS try our article on ‘Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome’ here

A syndrome doctors can’t even recognize?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorders among young women. 5-10% of women of childbearing age have this syndrome. However, many people ignore their symptoms, which often delays diagnosis. According to one study, 75% of patients with PCOS were not diagnosed even after receiving hospital treatment. The researchers explained that it was because patients did not recognize or were unable to explain their symptoms clearly.

We need to pay more attention to this disorder, which if left unattended for a long time can cause severe issues such as endometrial proliferation and cervical cancer. Don't look away because the name is long and difficult. What signals are you ignoring in your body? Check your risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome through this checklist suggested by doctors.

PCOS checklist : things to be wary of!

Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome?

➊ No. No one in my family.

➋ No. However, there is a person in my family who is 'overweight and has high blood pressure'.

➌ Yes. Either my mom, my sister, my auntie, my grandmother…

What’s your menstrual cycle like?

➊ My period starts 21~34 days after it finishes.

➋ My period usually starts 20 days after it finishes.

➌ My period usually starts 35 days after it finishes.

➍ My period is irregular and sometimes skips a month.

➎ I’m taking contraceptive pills so I don’t know my cycle.

How heavy is your flow?

➊ Not very heavy so it’s easy to manage.

➋ Pretty average. I change my pad or tampon every 3~4 hours.

➌ Heavy flow.

➍ I often get blood clots.

➎ Heavy flow, and blood clots.

Has your body weight changed recently?

➊ No, my weight is in the normal range.

➋ Yes. I especially gained a lot of weight around my stomach.

Have you had any skin problems recently?

➊ No, I sometimes get pimples during menstruation, but it's not bad.

➋ Yes. I have severe acne that doesn't go away no matter what I do.

➌ Yes. I have dark spots on my neck, armpits, and groin, and my skin has gotten darker.

➍ Yes, I have got pimples and dark spots all over my skin.

Has your body hair decreased or increased recently?

➊ No, It’s stayed the same.

➋ Yes, my hair has gotten thinner and my temples and the top of my head look thin.

➌ Yes. Black and thick hair grows on my face, chest, and back.

➍ Yes. My hair has gotten thinner, but I have more hair on my face and chest.

Interpreting the Checklist The above six questions are a checklist of PCOS symptoms suggested by Dr. Priyathama Vellanki, an assistant professor of endocrinology at Emory University in the United States. Evaluate based on the following criteria.
  • In each item, answer represents the lowest risk, and the risk increases gradually from to .
  • PCOS can be suspected even slightly if all items were not answered with
  • If you answered to any of the above, it is better to see a doctor
  • If you answered to several of the questions, it is advised to see a doctor.
  • Put together a list of answers and give them to your doctor. They can diagnose more accurately with more information.

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