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Period Party!

Period Party!

Korean Grandmother Park MakRye's tribute

Period Party!


Many women think immediately of pain when they think of menstruation. Something sickening, a nuisance, a pain, something that makes you anxious. But girls who have not yet had their first menstruation may feel a little different. They might think of becoming a woman, an adult, of expectations and celebration. Over the last decade attitudes towards menstruation have begun changing, with some people even celebrating the beginning with Period Parties. We agree that it’s time to shake off the fearful and mysterious image of menstruation, and get back to that excitement and sense of support. It’s good to have something like a ritual to positively accept what is a natural function of many peoples bodies. It doesn’t just have to be for menarche. Why not hold a fun and entertaining Period Party for someone that you love?!

You might Hate your Period, but Everyone Loves a Party

Embarrassing? Shy?

‘This is something almost all women experience, so why do I feel so awkward and ashamed?’ A lot of people blame themselves like this. Some of us live as strong and proud 21st Century women, then feel bitter as we think about how we can’t even say the word menstruation in front of other people. However, these worries and irritations are perfectly natural. It hasn't been long since our society began to accept menstruation as “normal”.

The first time for Grandma Makrye Park, born ‘47 On the day of Buddha's birthday, the first day of April in the year when I turned 18. Menarche came along with Buddha. At that time, everyone said menstruation was a menace. There was blood on my panties, and Olke told me it was a menarche and it happens when you get older. You’ll get it every month from now on, so tell mom to get cloth from the market. But I couldn't tell my mom. I ripped off a bit of my shirt and did it myself. I never told my mom even until now. She wouldn’t know now even in heaven? That's what people used to do. I didn't know. I thought I'd be in trouble if I said it. But now, if you don't throw a party, you're a tacky parent. There's always a menstruation party on tv shows these days.

Youtube creator Park Makrye, born in ‘47, shares her first and last. She says she never talked about menstruation with her mother. And this 'tradition of silence' was passed on to her daughter. In the video released on December 3, 2020, the grandmother surprised viewers by saying that she still doesn't know if her daughter, who is over 40, has started menstruation.

Grandmother Makrye's handmade menstrual pad resembles ‘Gaejim’, a menstrual product from the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. It was made by folding or sewing cotton or hemp cloth, which was commonly called "Sedap". Sedap means "washing" and is also a symbolic folk product that demonstrates the atmosphere of times when mentioning menstruation was taboo.

Women in the Joseon Dynasty, who had to hide their bodies natural functions, were responsible for dealing with this privately by "washing". Do the laundry by the stream early in the morning, and even when drying it, secretly finding a place to hide. Grandmother Makrye said she also spread paper on the floor and dried her menstrual pads in her room. Not a woman in the museum from the Joseon Dynasty, but a YouTuber grandmother lived in such a time, and we live in the same world. Even if the dynasty collapsed and the rivers and mountains changed, the shadows of secrets and shame over menstruation have been slow to fade.

Congratulations on your menstruation!

These days if you don’t throw a party, your a tacky parent. Like what grandma Makrye said, the perceptions around menstruation have changed rapidly recently. More and more kids are hearing “congratulations!” instead of “Oh no”. TV sitcoms show a father preparing a cake and bouquet of flowers for his daughters first period. Even within the stuffy traditional world featuring large families gathering around a huge table for a formal dinner, it became ‘cool’ to celebrate the start of menstruation. It’s not for the individual, it’s not for women, it’s for the whole family. It has become a topic for loved ones to talk about together.

What if we just did it now? Grandmother Makrye, who realized that she had never talked about menstruation with her 40 years plus daughter, belatedly prepares for the party. Because that scene of a mother who grew up in a hard time, and a daughter who couldn’t talk about menstruation is still “such a pity”. The grown-up daughter who receives the cake is embarrassed and her voice gets louder for no reason. It's been over 20 years…! But I'm already teary. The grandmother, who was never congratulated on her menstruation and passed it by herself, gives her daughter a gift she has never received. And promises to do a really good job at the menopause party.

Period parties are also valid for celebrating past events. Because the important thing in period parties is not the menstruation, but the party. It’s not that menstruation itself is a great thing, or something with significant worth to deserve a celebration. Those who hold a Period Party do it to show care for the person experiencing menstruation. To pay attention and love to the mind and bodily changes of someone they love and care about. That’s why we also have parties to celebrate menopause.

Experts also say that these simple parties can help us accept these parts of our lives positively. Therapist Brittany Freeman Jean-Louis says “It is important for young ladies to know that they are supported, validated, and affirmed. This will increase self-esteem and self-worth which is hugely important around this time of change and transition.”

Things to check when preparing a Period Party An unwanted party can leave nothing but bad memories. If you want to avoid a nightmare, answer these questions first. 1. Is this party for them? Or is it because you want to seem ‘cool’? If it’s because you want to look cool, then who are you really doing it for? 2. How does that person like to celebrate? Are you preparing a party that reflects their personality? 3. What kind of celebration is preferred among their peers? Are you understanding this and including it in your planning?

Adult Period Party

Even if it’s not the start of your menstruation, or the end, or any other special time. If you want to celebrate you can have a party. You can even plan a party for yourself. Because we’re adults. You can eat that cake on your own, and enjoy a drink or two. You deserve to celebrate yourself, and your body. Because menstruating is hard, and sometimes not menstruating is hard, and sometimes you just need some comfort and attention and that’s totally human.


  • The important thing in a period party is not the period, but the party
  • Let’s care for what a woman’s body does and can do, even if it’s not the first or last time
  • Period parties are a great way to express love for family and friends
나는 월경파티를 해주고 싶은 사람이...

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 1

    엄마 완경파티 해드리고 싶어요. 고생했어 울엄마. 생리하고 나 낳고 키우느라!!

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 2

      완경파티 완젼 좋은 생각이에요! 사실 초경파티보다 이모든걸 겪고(?) 나서의 완경파티가 더 갬동일듯…

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      완경파티 너무나 멋진걸욥

    • user thumbnale
      숨어있는 자기 8

      완경파티 생각지도 못했는데 저도 엄마를 위해 준비해야겠어요

  • user thumbnale
    즐거운 밤

    마지막에 월경파티 준비할때 체크해볼 질문들..너무 사려 깊어서 좋아요 컨텐츠 읽어 내려가다가 이런 월경파티 문화가 진정 그사람을 위한것보다 '이런것까지 챙겨주는 나는 멋진사람' 에서 그치면 어떡하나 생각했는데 역시 자기방...최고

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 3

    저희 언니가 처음 월경할때 축하해줬는데, 제가 할때는 축하안해줘서 아쉬웠던 어렸을때 맘이 있었어요! 그런데 관점을 달리 생각해보니, 내스스로이게도 축하할수도 있는거고, 저 뿐만아니라 부모님의 완경파티 해드린다는 것도 의미가 있는 것 같아요:)!!

  • user thumbnale
    둥그런 새털구름

    셋중 막내이기도 하고 언니가 신경써준다고 엄마아빠랑 새하얀크림에 새빨간 딸기가 올려진 생크림케이크를 사서 생리축하를 해줬어! 엄마는 남사스럽다고 했지만 난 기분이 좋더라! 그뒤로 애들한테도 꼭 말해! 생리는 재채기같은것과 같다고!

  • user thumbnale
    투명한 소라

    저는 저에게 월경파티를!! 해주고 싶네요:) 초경은 많이 지났지만 지금 파티한다고 생각해도 넘 기분 좋은걸요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 5

    저는 가족이 크진 않지만 작게나마 월경 파티를 했어요! 막둥이 동생이 초경을 시작하면 월경파티 해주고 싶네요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 6

    중학교때 처음 월경 하고 가족들이 월경파티 해줬었는데 나는 싫었음… 사타구니에서 피 좀 난거 가지고 유난이고 임신가능한 여성의 몸이 되어서 축하한단 말도 기괴하고 싫었음… 나는 결혼도 안할거고 애도 절대 안낳겠다고 유치원때 부터 생각하던 사람이라 진짜 걍 역겹기까지 했었는데… 그때 생각 하니까 또 기분 잡치네

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    숨어있는 자기 7

    친구가 발레리나가 꿈이어서 체중 조절하느라 중 3이 될 때까지 초경을 안 하는 상태였어요. 발레나 체조 같은 분야에서는 사춘기로 인한 체형 변화를 체변이라고 부르면서 오지 않기를 바라요. 가슴과 엉덩이가 커지니까 회전력이 떨어져서 기술을 더 빠르고 정확하게 소화하기도 어렵고 몸선도 발레나 체조에서 추구하는 미에서 멀어져서요. 그래서 친구가 자기는 여태까지 생리 안 해서 다행이라고 말하다가 고 2 때 초경을 했어요. 걔는 예고 전 일반고에 재학 중이이었어서 카톡으로 알게 되었는데 우연인지 체변이 변인으로 작용했는지는 모르겠지만 그 후부터 애 성적이 떨어져 결국 입시 결과도 꿈꿨던 곳보다 한 단계 낮아졌어요. 애가 슬퍼하고 좀 늦게 했으면 나았을 걸... 라고 말해요. 제가 발레리나가 아니기에 할 수 있는 생각일 수도 있는데, 친구의 전공과 직업이 발레인 거지 인생 그 자체가 발레가 아니잖아요. 발레리나이지만 그 이전에 여자잖아요. 그런데 초경을 지나치게 부정적으로 인식하는 듯해서 그 인식을 바꿔주고 싶어요

  • user thumbnale
    숨어있는 자기 9

    현재는 없지만 나중에 딸아이를 갖게 된다면 꼭 월경파티를 해 주고 싶어요. 월경이 스트레스를 많이 주고 짜증 나는 놈(...)이긴 하지만, 성숙해지는 길이고 어른이 되는 과정 중 하나인 걸 아이가 자랑스러워하면 좋겠어요.

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