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The Truth about Women's Health Supplements

The Truth about Women's Health Supplements

Storyteller: Food Editor Baek Inkyung

The Truth about Women's Health Supplements

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. InKyeong Baek tells you an interesting story...

It was summer. I was 22. I was enjoying vacation at my dormitory when I got call from home. My mother was in surgery. By the time I had rushed home in shock my mother was already calmly recovering and seemed fine. The diagnosis was Uterine Myoma (fibroids). That was the summer my mother had a hysterectomy.

From that time my mother

The Truth about Women's Health Supplements

Now on Another Planet Every person’s fate is like the history of a planet. No two planets are alike and each is distinct. Here we will introduce the planets of others to feed your curiosity. Find wisdom in real stories based on real peoples experiences, thoughts, and lives. InKyeong Baek tells you an interesting story...

It was summer. I was 22. I was enjoying vacation at my dormitory when I got call from home. My mother was in surgery. By the time I had rushed home in shock my mother was already calmly recovering and seemed fine. The diagnosis was Uterine Myoma (fibroids). That was the summer my mother had a hysterectomy.

From that time my mother

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‘여성’을 강조하는 건강식품을 먹고 부작용을 경험한 적

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    효능/부작용 연구결과를 서문처럼 표기해주면 더 유용한 글이 될 것 같아요! 잘 읽었습니다~

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    크랜베리 추천해요! 방광염을 예방할 수 있어요

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    드디어 예언가

    어머 홍삼 한국인한테 큰 부작용없이 괜찮은 줄 알았는데.... 여성에게는 백프로 좋지 않을 수 있군여...!!!

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    수다스런 튤립

    이런글 여기 아니면 어디서 볼까요 겁나 유용해요 일단 우리 엄마 약 찬장 체크 한번 해야지

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    건강기능식품 자체를 신뢰하지 않아요! 홍삼먹으면 살찌는 거같은 느낌이들던데 기분탓인지는 모르겠지만 잘 안 먹어요

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    마케팅에 속지 않고 공부해서 직접 판단하는 게 가장 중요하죠
