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Urinary Tract Infection (Cystitis)

Urinary Tract Infection (Cystitis)

Justice for your Urinary Tract!

Urinary Tract Infection (Cystitis)


There is a saying that patience will make you sick. There is also a saying that patience is a virtue. So should you be patient or not? Be patient. Don’t be patient. Be impatient then be patient. Be patient then... Anyway. So what advice applies when it comes to our bladders? An inflammation of the bladder is known as cystitis or a UTI. Let’s take a moment to discuss our bladders, and what can go wrong.

A Problem to Discuss Outside the Bathroom


Cystitis is a medical term for the inflammation of the bladder due to an infection. It is an indication of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) that is common in women. According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, there were 1.56 million patients who received treatment for cystitis in South Korea in 2017 and about 95% of those were women.

It’s easy to consider cystitis as an annoying issue instead of a serious disease but some people experience severe pain and frequent recurrence which can have a real negative effect on their lives. Symptoms of cystitis should not be taken lightly as it can develop into a more serious disease such as a kidney infection.

Why is Cystitis More Common in Women There are several reasons why UTI’s are more common in women. Women have a shorter urethra. The urethra is also close to the vagina and the anus where bacteria is commonly found. There is a high possibility of bacteria reaching the urethra during sex. Pregnancy also makes it difficult to empty the bladder. All kinds of risk factors make women's bladders more vulnerable to cystitis.
Cystitis in Modern Societies In addition to body structure, our social environments also threaten women's bladder health. Public toilets that make people line up all the time due to lack of space. Anxiety caused by crimes like illegal filming. Feeling guilty about going to the bathroom while working in a toxic workplace... There is a reason why there are many women from conservative cultures like Korea who hold onto their urine.

What Are the Symptoms?

The major symptoms of cystitis are as follows. If any of the following symptoms are impacting your daily life, get medical help for treatment.

  • Pain or a burning feeling when urinating
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
  • Pain, pressure, and cramping in the lower abdomen
  • Low fever and chills
  • Blood in the urine
  • Feeling sick and fatigued

Why is This Happening?

The most common cause of cystitis is an infection caused by E. coli. Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and bacillus could also be the cause. These bacteria mostly cause infection by traveling from the urethra to the bladder, and would be considered a UTI. The following factors can also cause cystitis.

  • Certain medications, particularly Cyclophosphamide or Ifosfamide used to treat cancer
  • Radiation treatment on the hip area
  • Long-term use of a urinary catheter
  • Sensitivity to products such as feminine hygiene sprays, spermicides, or bubble bath
  • Diseases such as prostatic hyperplasia, kidney stones, and diabetes

Quick and Safe Treatment

You may receive urinalysis when you visit the hospital due to discomfort from cystitis. Symptoms of cystitis are similar to vaginitis and doctors will try to find the exact cause of your pain. The following treatment will be given if diagnosed with cystitis.

  • Medication

Most cases of cystitis can be treated easily by taking antibiotics for a short time. However, antibiotic-resistant bacteria may require intravenous (IV) antibiotics. If cystitis frequently recurs, a low dose of antibiotics for three to six months or an immune adjuvant for the bladder is administered.

Symptoms subside within 72 hours after starting antibiotic therapy for 90% of cystitis patients.

  • Surgery (Rare)

If abnormal anatomy is physically interrupting the stream of urine, surgery may be needed to correct this problem.

Avoiding Cystitis

The scariest thing about cystitis is that recurrence is frequent. It is generally known that one in four cystitis patients experience recurrence. Those who have experienced the pain of a UTI never want to go through it again. Let’s examine the precautions and bad habits to avoid.

Shall We Start After Using the Bathroom? Many women suffer from symptoms of cystitis immediately after having intercourse. This is due to the high probability of bacteria entering the urethra during sexual intercourse. Urinate before and after (within 15 minutes) having sexual intercourse.
Cranberry Juice for Cystitis? Cranberry juice became a hot topic when research announced that it could be the wonder drug for preventing and treating UTI’s. But there are continuous opinions from the overall academia including the NHS of the UK, that there is insufficient evidence to support such a claim.

Interstitial Cystitis

You’re not infected by bacteria but still have bladder pain? Interstitial cystitis is a disorder in which you experience bladder pain but there is no clear cause such as a urinary infection. Interstitial cystitis must be treated differently and requires continuous care as it is difficult to completely cure. The cause, symptoms, and treatment can differ for each patient, thus it is important to find the appropriate treatment for yourself. Take care of your bladder through various treatments that can relieve symptoms such as behavioral changes, medication, and surgery.


  • Anatomy, social environment, and lifestyle can threaten women’s bladders.
  • Don’t hold back urine or pain and get treatment in a timely manner.
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    저도 방광염 1년 내내 안 낫길래 찾아보다 크렌베리가 좋대서 먹어봤더니 정말로 효과 봤어요 단 꾸준히 3개월 이상 복용해야 오래가는 것 같아요 그리고 복용하실 때는 원액이어야만 한다는 점 단맛 나면 안돼요ㅠㅠ 오미자처럼 시큼합니다

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    크렌베리 원액을 탄산수에 섞어서 먹었더니 음료수 먹듯이 잘 먹혀용 추천

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    방광염 걸리니까 온몸이 녹초가 되네요 하......

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    크랜베리 후기 알려주셔서 감사합니다 참고하겠습니다

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    관계 전에 물 한컵 마시고, 끝나면 바로 소변 보고 물 한컵 다시한번 마시세요. 유산균, 크랜베리 안먹지만 물만 많이 마시고 바로 씻어주고 소변만 자주 본 이후엔 방광염이 안왔어요! 꼭꼭 물 많이 마시세요!

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