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The Cost of Menstruation

The Cost of Menstruation

Not just an issue for women, but for all of society.

The Cost of Menstruation


Menstruation is a biological process that almost all women experience. About 26% of the world’s population are women of reproductive age and most of these women have no choice but to regularly menstruate. This means one in four people menstruate or will soon start their first menstruation.

But the world’s interest in the health condition ubiquitously experienced by many people is still absurdly low. Menstruation is not free, and many women suffer significant financial difficulties due to the cost. Let’s look at the financial issues involved with menstruation that we and society should pay more attention to.

The Cost of Menstruation, and Poverty

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The Cost of Menstruation


Menstruation is a biological process that almost all women experience. About 26% of the world’s population are women of reproductive age and most of these women have no choice but to regularly menstruate. This means one in four people menstruate or will soon start their first menstruation.

But the world’s interest in the health condition ubiquitously experienced by many people is still absurdly low. Menstruation is not free, and many women suffer significant financial difficulties due to the cost. Let’s look at the financial issues involved with menstruation that we and society should pay more attention to.

The Cost of Menstruation, and Poverty

✔️ Cost for

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    숨어있는 자기 1

    월경대 비싼거 진짜... 하말하안휴ㅠ

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    덩실덩실 숫자들

    개인도 월경대 살 때 너무 부담이 되는데.. 저소득층 청소년은 얼마나 힘들지.. 시스템이 개선되고 있는게 다행이네.. 아이들이 눈치보지 않고 넉넉하게 받을 수 있는 환경이 됐으면 좋겠다

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    숨어있는 자기 2

    월경컵 제발 무료로 배포해주세요

  • user thumbnale
    바람타고 곡선

    진짜 월경을 내가 원해서 하는 것도 아닌데ㅠㅠㅠ

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    촉촉한 피칸

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    숨어있는 자기 3

    원플러스원이어도 부담되는 가격이에요ㅠㅠ
