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Vaginal problems are modern girl problems



Anyone can quiet easily catch a cold. In the same way, any woman with a vagina can suffer from vaginitis. However, we generally don’t know that much about this kind of inflammation. Check out this article to learn more about vaginitis, its symptoms and how it should be treated.

At least One Third of all Women.

1. What is Vaginitis?

Vaginitis, or vulvovaginitis, is literally any infection, inflammation or irritation of the female genital region. The most common vaginal infections are bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis. If your vulva is itchy, has unusual discharge, or a strong smell then you may suspect vaginitis. At least 30% of all women will have at least one form of vaginitis at some point in their lives.

2. Bacterial Vaginosis

Beneficial and harmful bacteria live in the vulva and vagina. The vagina maintains an acidity of about 4.5 pH to produce beneficial bacteria, protecting us from harmful bacteria. If at any time this balance is broken and the inside of the vagina becomes alkaline, the balance of the bacteria in the vagina can become unbalanced, causing bacterial vaginosis.

  • Symptoms - Vaginal discharge smells fishy and is white or gray. - More vaginal discharge than usual. - There's some itching and pain during sex.
  • Cause Frequent sexual intercourse and improper vaginal cleaning habits are the main causes. In particular, if you are washing inside your vagina, you should stop right away.
  • Treatment - Antibiotic treatment can effectively treat the inflammation. - Alcohol and cigarettes that can cause inflammation should be avoided. - Because it is not transmitted by sex, your partner does not have to get treated too.

3. Vaginal Candidiasis

A fungus called Candida albicans can be the cause of your vaginal problems. Candida is a naturally occurring yeast, or fungus, found in the gastrointestinal tract. It does not cause problems when healthy, but when the immune system is weak it can proliferate and causes an inflammatory reaction.

  • Symptoms - Thick, cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge. - Itching and irritation on the vagina and a burning sensation during sexual intercourse or while urinating.
  • Cause - It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause, but it may be due to a weakened immune system, taking oral contraceptives, or using antibiotics. - It can be found in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, pregnant women, or girls pre-puberty and menopausal women whose estrogen levels are unbalanced.
  • Treatment - Candida is a fungus, so antifungal drugs are used. - It is also important to keep your genitals dry to prevent bacterial growth. - It is recommended to dry naturally after taking a shower and wear underwear with good ventilation as much as possible. - Candida is also not transmitted by sex and does not need to be tested with a partner.

4. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is caused by an infection with trichomonas vaginalis, and is mostly transmitted by sex. Since the rate of re-infection is high, it is important to be treated together with any sexual partners.

  • Symptoms - Vaginal discharge is yellow or grayish-white. - As it progresses further vaginal discharge may become green in color. - Discharge is thin and often foul smelling. - It is accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, and pain during sex and urination.
  • Cause - Mostly transmitted during sexual intercourse. - In rare cases, infection can be caught through public baths or toilets. - Sexual partners are likely to suffer long-term infections by constantly exchanging the disease with each other.
  • Treatment - It is treated with antibiotics. - Since it is a sexually transmitted infection, it is very important to be treated with any partners once the diagnosis is confirmed. - Sex is not possible until the treatment is completed. - Chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV tests are recommended because there is a possibility of co-infection. - If the infection period is prolonged or recurs several times, resistance will occur, so it must be cured completely and recurrence should be carefully avoided.
Sour smell, is it vaginitis? The female genitals are weakly acidic with a pH of 4.5. A sour smell is a natural phenomenon that occurs in any healthy body.

5. Preventing Vaginitis

Take Probiotics Consistent consumption of a probiotic like lactobacillus, which creates a healthy vaginal environment, can be helpful. But don’t forget that lactobacillus is a supplement, not a cure.

🚿 Wash properly Wash the vulva properly. The vagina is excellent at self-purification, so you don't have to use any specific “feminine hygiene products”. In particular, you should never be cleaning inside your vagina.

🌀 Keep your vulva dry A humid environment is perfect for germs and fungi to grow. After taking a shower, let your body dry naturally for at least 1 minute. Wear well-ventilating cotton underwear and avoid tight clothes.


  • Anyone can get vaginitis, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed.
  • The three main types of vaginitis are bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis.

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      저도 질염때문에 몇개월간 돈쓰고 시간쓰도 약먹느라 속버리고 스트레스받고 섹스못하고 진짜 힘들어요ㅠ

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    세균성질염 보통 12가지 균을 검사하는데 그중 성교를 통해 감염되는 균들도 있다고 알고 있어요. 병원에서는 파트너도 검사하라고 하던데 이글에서는 성교를 통해서는 감염되지 않는다고 단언하고 있는부분에서 의문이 드네요 🤔

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    질염때문에 미쳐버릴 것 같아요. 12월부터 한달에 한번씩 std받으면서 비싼돈주고 치료하는데듀 안나아요. 균 싹 다 없어지기 전까진 안만나준다는 파트너도 있고 이게 정말 사람 스트레스 받게하는.. 병원마다 얘기도 다 다르고. 유레아플라즈마가 정말 힘들게하네요 저를

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    치료를 받아야 겠다는 생각에도, 굴욕 의자에 앉을 생각하면 미루게 되는 것도 있어요.. 차가운 검사기구를 삽입하는 것도 상당히 좋지 않은 기분..

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    질염 .. 부끄러운게 아니었네..

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    이런 정보...좋아요....

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    ㅠㅠ 너무 유익하다

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    샤워 후 자연건조로 말려주는 팁은 처음 알았네요!

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    이번에 자궁경부암 검사 때 적잖은 불편함을 느꼈던 터라 병원방문이 꺼려졌었는데 다른 곳으로 다시 방문해봐야겠어요😅

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    숨어있는 자기 11

    이 글 읽고 바로 병원 예약 해써요.....!! 불안하면 무조건 가야하는게 맞는거 같아요

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    신부인과 방문을 부끄러워하지말고 친해져야해요

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    다들 질염 예방 관리 꼬옥 해요 ..

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    어느새 다프네

    산부인과에서는 질을 건조하게 하지 말라고 하고 습하게 두어야 한다고 하는데 장보가 다르네요. 혼란스럽습니다.

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    경구피임약이 질염을 유발하는지는 몰랐네🥲

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    좋은 글을 정말 고마워요!!!!

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    좋은글 고마워요!!

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    정보 감사해요!!

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    면역력 떨어져서 칸디다 달고 사네요 ㅠㅠ 면역력 떨어짐이 극에 달하면 질염검사 할 때 마다 균이 하나씩 추가된다는 … ㅎㅎ 스트레스 관리도 질 관리도 열심히 해야겠어요 😢

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    사랑담은 청룡

    칸디다새끼.. 이새낀 성관계안해도 피곤하면 재발이 너무잦음..

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