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Ovulation Pain

Ovulation Pain

Cramps when you’re not even menstruating?

Ovulation Pain


So, it hasn’t been that long since your period ended but you start feeling a stinging in your stomach area? We may have the guilty suspect right here. 1 in 3 menstruating women suffer from this common, but as yet not well known, symptom, ovulation pain. It may simply be a common bodily occurrence, or it may be a sign of a disorder that requires treatment. That’s why it’s important to get familiar with and keep an eye on any symptoms of ovulation pain.

What? Who? Me? Ovulation Pain?

✔ Ovulation Pain


Ovulation is a phenomenon in which mature eggs are released from the ovaries every month. It starts about two weeks before the start date of menstruation, and various pain that occurs at this time is called ovulation pain. 40% of women of childbearing age have experienced ovulation pain, and half of those suffer from it every month.

✔ The Causes

Unfortunately, the cause of ovulation pain has yet to be determined. Academics speculate that it is due to physical changes in the body that occur when eggs are grown and released inside the ovary. Therefore, there may be many women who feel strong pain just before and after the day of ovulation.

✔ The Symptoms

The symptoms of ovulation pain are as diverse as for menstrual pain. Pain can occur in the lower abdomen or also in the pelvis or waist. A dullness or heavy feeling of the body and swelling or sensitivity of the breasts are also symptoms of ovulation pain. When ovulation pain is severe, symptoms of nausea may appear.

In particular, during ovulation, the amount of vaginal discharge can increase noticeably, and menstrual blood accumulated in the uterus may be secreted also with discharge, so don't be surprised if some bleeding occurs. It may be a symptom of ovulation. It should disappear naturally, so it's better to put your worries aside. However, if the bleeding persists for more than four days, you should visit the hospital to check if there are any other problems.

💔 Abdominal pain (stinging, throbbing, etc.)

💔 Pelvic, back pain

💔 Increase in physical fatigue, dull and heavy feeling

💔 Breast swelling, sensitivity

💔 Nausea,

💔 Increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding

✔ The Treatments

☑ If the pain is not too severe

Symptoms can be controlled by light exercise or meditation. If you focus on something, the pain will disappear naturally. In general, ovulation pain does not last long.

☑ If the pain is severe

Like with menstrual pain, you can take conventional painkillers. If severe pain is repeated every month, oral contraceptives that stop ovulation itself might be recommended.

Don’t just take pain killers and try to power through! About 40% of women who complain of severe ovulation pain are diagnosed with endometriosis. If ovulation pain is severe and interferes with your daily life, make sure to visit a hospital to find out the fundamental cause. In particular, if nausea and vomiting continuously occur along with pain, don’t delay any longer.


  • Ovulation pain is a pain that occurs during ovulation
  • It is a common symptom that about 40% of menstruating women experience
  • If the degree of ovulation pain is severe and persists every cycle, the cause should be explored with a health professional
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